list of classical problems

11326    Arithmetic Evaluation ARTHEVAL 331 40.09
11334    Lucifer Sort LUCISORT 7 7.17
11345    lcm addition ADDLCM 68 30.92
11354    Amusing numbers TSHOW1 3235 59.80
11355    SQUARE TO SQUARE SQ2SQ 21 19.47
11371    Answer the boss! RPLA 1138 34.94
11372    Blueberries RPLB 2217 33.54
11373    Coke madness RPLC 3824 34.89
11374    Database RPLD 1908 34.67
11375    Espionage RPLE 1514 42.29
11383    Fast Sum of two to an exponent FAST2 1049 30.07
11384    Zoom Operation ZOOMOP2 4 20.00
11386    Recycled Numbers GCJ2012C 194 31.61
11391    EASY MATH EASYMATH 1316 19.97
11401    Bazinga! DCEPC505 661 23.19
11402    The Indian Connection DCEPC504 2287 36.20
11404    Save Thy Toys DCEPC501 2811 30.18
11405    Just Like the Good Old Days DCEPC502 81 40.14
11407    Tied Down TDOWN 19 38.33
11409    Fibonacci With a Twist FIBTWIST 1007 31.28
11414    Combat on a tree COT3 226 30.38
11440    Unlock it ! Part 2 DCEPC604 45 21.09
11444    MAXOR MAXOR 105 36.13
11458    Ninja VUDBOL5 122 15.44
11460    Planning Poker VUDBOL7 254 41.84
11461    Book Shelves SHELF 71 20.61
11469    Balanced Cow Subsets SUBSET 345 22.97
11470    To the moon TTM 826 20.96
11472    Amazing Maze DCEPC701 261 29.01
11473    NOS DCEPC702 182 25.73
11474    Totient Game DCEPC703 40 36.40
11476    Weird Points DCEPC705 175 27.63
11477    Meeting For Party DCEPC706 479 27.97
11482    Count on a trie COT4 60 23.63
11493    Goto & labels RPLG 63 30.14
11494    Hard Launching RPLH 1625 59.23
11495    Ignore the bounds RPLI 13 14.49
11496    Just the distance RPLJ 15 10.76
11509    IPL - CRICKET TOURNAMENT IPL1 76 24.86
11515    I AM VERY BUSY BUSYMAN 8335 45.23
11516    VALIDATE THE MAZE MAKEMAZE 3063 32.05
11517    GAMING ARENA GAMARENA 58 39.30
11521    Dominant Strings DOMINST 71 34.51
11540    Training TRAIN07 19 43.14
11560    A Summatory PUCMM210 1621 25.91
11573    A Famous ICPC Team TEAM2 2032 37.62
11574    A Famous Stone Collector STONE2 122 35.60
11575    A Famous Equation EQ2 71 28.14
11576    A Famous King’s Trip TRIP2 20 9.72
11577    The Famous ICPC Team Again MEDIAN3 68 29.39
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