GCJ2012C - Recycled Numbers

Do you ever become frustrated with television because you keep seeing the same things, recycled over and over again? Well I personally don't care about television, but I do sometimes feel that way about numbers.

Let's say a pair of distinct positive integers (n, m) is recycled if you can obtain m by moving some digits from the back of n to the front without changing their order. For example, (12345, 34512) is a recycled pair since you can obtain 34512 by moving 345 from the end of 12345 to the front. Note that n and m must have the same number of digits in order to be a recycled pair. Neither n nor m can have leading zeros.

Given integers A and B with the same number of digits and no leading zeros, how many distinct recycled pairs (n, m) are there with A ≤ n < m ≤ B?

1 ≤ T ≤ 55
A and B have the same number of digits.
1 ≤ A ≤ B ≤ 2000000.

Are we sure about the output to Case #4?
Yes, we're sure about the output to Case #4.


The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each test case consists of a single line containing the integers A and B.


For each test case, output one line containing "Case #x: y", where x is the case number (starting from 1), and y is the number of recycled pairs (n, m) with A ≤ n < m ≤ B.


1 9
10 40
100 500
1111 2222

Case #1: 0
Case #2: 3
Case #3: 156
Case #4: 287

Added by:Ruslan Sennov
Time limit:1.050s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2020-04-12 11:57:49
Don't use strings.
2013-05-15 17:32:15 Priyanka Kumari
very easy question!!! :)
2013-05-14 07:17:23 Ashhar Jawaid
nice problems :)
HINT : Don't use strings :D
2013-03-20 15:49:43 raunakrocks
gud1 AC!! :P
2012-05-20 18:31:41 Sidharth Gupta
@NIKHIL: yes its correct.
2012-05-20 06:43:30 Ice_Bolt
is the output for case 4 true.
2012-04-19 03:34:08 Sidharth Gupta
at first i was surprised with the time that my code takes but now i realize that i did save on the operations and unnecessary checks :)
2012-04-19 03:34:08 Rishi Mukherje
Hendrik: Let me see if I can optimize it or not. But I am quite sure, you or numerix will surely do it. :)
2012-04-19 03:34:08 hendrik
Rishi: On GCJ you got 8 minutes to solve this one. Here 9s on a pretty low computer. Challenging, isnt it? Not sure whether Python can make it here.
2012-04-19 03:34:08 Ruslan Sennov
2Rishi: you have enough possibilities to run faster
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