FAST2 - Fast Sum of two to an exponent

There is people that really like to do silly thinks, one of them is sum the numbers from 2^0 to 2^n, task is actually really simple, just do a ultra fast sum of term 2^0 to 2^n


the first line starts with a number, T, wich is the number of test cases, T lines will follow

each line contains a number "n" that is the nth term of the sum from 2^0 to 2^n



Output the sum from 2^0 to 2^n MODULO 1298074214633706835075030044377087



Output: 1

Extra: TLE is equal to 0.15s

Added by:Rocker3011
Time limit:0.100s
Source limit:500B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Own problem

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2022-03-08 18:09:36 vas14
The 500b restriction on the source file is just plain dumb.
2021-06-17 05:49:24
ez AC in one go
2021-03-15 00:55:30
500B file limit really? Implementing this in anything rather than python is literally impossible... Wrote handmade c++ functions for big number sum, mul, and sub in 1.5KB file size and cannot submit.. LOL, nvm it would pass anyway, but really unsatisfying moment...
2019-04-10 17:52:22
bitwise operations turn it easy. ;)
2018-06-01 15:15:14
Use pefixSum and precompute it so that u can retrive in O(1)
2015-11-03 16:10:58
python rocks...... :D
2015-10-21 09:30:43 Thotsaphon Thanatipanonda
Finally, Java can pass this problem!! :D
2015-10-01 16:29:10
Used sys library in python for input, input() function results in TLE, also modular exponentiation gives TLE .. A hint here : think of the fastest way to find 2 ** n, there is a very fast method to do this, and you do not require any exponent functions for this .. :)
2015-09-18 18:28:04
Lovely python ... u rock baby ;-)
2015-09-07 13:23:36 Parul Yadav
my first q in python
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