FIBTWIST - Fibonacci With a Twist

Fibonacci numbers are given by 

  • f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)

with f(0) = 0 and f(1) = 1.

first number of series ------ 0  1  1  2  3  5  8  13 

Now let's have a new series called "Fibonacci Twist" which is given by 

  • ft(n) = ft(n-1) + ft(n-2) + (n-1)

with ft(0) = 0 and ft(1) = 1.

with first few number in the series ----- 0  1  2  5  10  19  34  59 

Now your task is to find ft(n).

Since the number can be big you have to find the result mod M.


first line having single number 't' -- number of test cases.

Next t lines have 2 number each 'n' and 'M'


Single number given the n-th term mod M


5 20
10 77
15 111



  • 10 <= t <= 100
  • 0 <= n <= 10^9
  • 100 <= M <= 10^9


  1. ft(5) is 19. 19 % 20 = 19
  2. ft(10) is 276. 276 % 77 = 45
  3. ft(15) is 3177. 3177 % 111 = 69

Added by:Devil D
Time limit:0.100s-1s
Source limit:20000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2023-06-06 17:40:54
If you solve by using formula, beware of overflow when n is big and M is small, e.g.
1000000000 37
2019-06-19 00:09:23
Can anyone please explain this negative modulus case? I can't seem to wrap my head around this and somehow i see this everywhere.
2018-06-19 10:25:17
@Devil D What is the problem with my solution?(Sub. ID 21860369)
2017-06-23 11:51:02
same as FIBOSUM !!
2017-01-29 15:25:46
Do FIBOSUM before this.
2015-09-14 19:56:12 MishThi
Solved FIBOSUM and then did some extra paperwork.. And Bazinga!
**Do take care of negative modulus if programming in C.
2015-08-19 16:35:50 Mayank Garg
No need of matrix exponentiation , if u r ready to do some calculations ..!! A simple formula ;) AC in 0.0s :p
2015-08-10 23:26:15 Saksham
take care of -ve modulus
2015-08-10 14:17:37 anshal dwivedi
Ac in one go! by using 4X4 matrix...
2015-06-24 11:15:18 :.Mohib.:
2nd century on spoj with great que....learned a lot.... :)
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