list of classical problems

25452    Teaching Hazard BUD13TLB 7 50.00
25458    Boxes BUD13TLF 96 38.00
25471    AM FM TAP2015A 35 12.34
25472    Good kg of Flauta bread TAP2015B 74 53.17
25473    CompuTenis reloaded TAP2015C 241 34.73
25474    Happiness for all TAP2015D 102 40.25
25475    Perfect packing TAP2015E 8 51.96
25476    Induced favoritism TAP2015F 40 28.87
25477    Generating alien DNA II TAP2015G 33 16.24
25478    Hugo s homework TAP2015H 410 48.69
25480    Invading aliens TAP2015I 15 17.91
25481    Game of stones II TAP2015J 38 21.52
25482    Kimetto Kipsang and Kipchoge TAP2015K 39 20.07
25528    LUTRIJA LUTRIJA 8 31.58
25584    Factorial Modulo FCDC 408 25.04
25585    Hablu Wants to Buy HMBY 974 55.09
25684    Jolly Kingdom JOLLYKINGDOM 17 16.51
25690    Laser Beam LASER_BEAM 71 25.76
25728    One of the Simpsons symbols NNUM 276 66.52
25773    Bit Difference BITDIFF 413 34.64
25779    Cinema Conundrum CINEMACON 119 36.09
25780    Decreasing Number of Visible Box VISIBLEBOX 245 39.34
25782    Fury Road FURYROAD 87 44.21
25783    Highly Spiritual Baba HIGHBABA 119 31.20
25784    Bubble Sort BUBBLESORT 633 20.47
25785    Ecstasy NECSTASY 65 31.15
25789    Laser Maze LASER 45 52.82
25803    Help BTW HELPBTW 126 12.15
25810    Divisibility Test MATNUM 57 12.93
25819    DOMINO DOMINO8 18 29.58
25844    Find the max XOR value MAXXOR 604 58.44
25854    Palindrome Or Not PLNDROME 318 16.12
25862    Divisor Game SIMPGAME 50 20.93
25867    Divisible Fibonacci Numbers DIVFIBS 205 25.50
25889    Drawing Lines DRWLNS 31 20.16
25891    Peculiar Number PCLNMBR 232 41.98
25892    Palindrome in a Tree PLNDTREE 141 35.49
25893    Longest Perfect Increasing Subsequence LPIS 685 39.33
25924    Cricket Selection CRICKDP 73 25.40
25942    Ball sum BALLSUM 1774 35.57
25959    Next Lexicographically Greater Substring NEXTLEX 42 21.46
25960    Cat and Mouse I CATMO1 55 14.32
25962    Essay ESSY 67 32.19
25967    Social Network Community SOCNETC 976 31.42
25977    Matrix GSMATRIX 78 35.23
26017    GCD OF MATRIX GCDMAT 261 39.13
26045    GCD OF MATRIX (hard) GCDMAT2 121 28.83
26054    BMW MARYBMW 609 17.56
26073    Counting Divisors DIVCNT1 114 24.67
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