JOLLYKINGDOM - Jolly Kingdom

Jolly Kingdom is a kingdom which is famous for its troops' power. Jolly Kingdom has N swordsman troops and M archer troops where each troop has his/her own unique fighting style, different with others.

For the 10th times, an evil witch with her monster troops tries to seize the throne of Jolly Kingdom. According to the information gathered from Jolly Kingdom's spies, the witch will attack everyday for H days. Each day, the witch will add 1 new monster into her monster troops. This makes enemy's troops become stronger every day.

Each monster owned by the witch is strong and almost unbeatable, only the Xith swordsman troop or the Yith archer troop can beat the monster. After the monster has been defeated by Jolly Kingdom's troop, that monster will take a reset and attack again in the next day.

To protect Jolly Kingdom, every day all monsters have to be defeated, but the cost to send 1 troop is expensive, so the king wants to send minimum number of troops every day such that the sent troops will be able to defeat all monsters exist on that corresponding day.

The king asks you for your help, as a royal advisor, the number of troops the king has to send every day.



First line consists of 3 integers: N, M, and H (1 ≤ N, M ≤ 1000; 1 ≤ H ≤ N*M) – the number of swordsman troops, archer troops, and days. Each of next H lines contains 2 integers: Xi and Yi (1 ≤ Xi ≤ N; 1 ≤ Yi ≤ M) – the weakness of ith monster, ith can be defeated by the Xith swordsman or Yith archer.

There can't be 2 monsters with the exact same weakness (there won't be any monster i and j where Xi = Xj and Yi = Yj for all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ H and i ≠ j).



Print H lines. Each line contains 1 number represents the answer to the king's question.


Sample Tests

4 4 9
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
4 1
3 4
3 3
4 3
4 4

Explanation for sample case

Notation: { swordsman troop number: monster number(s) defeated } { archer troop number: monster number(s) defeated }
1st day: {1: 1} {}
2nd day: {1: 1 2} {}
3rd day: {1: 1 2 3} {}
4th day: {1: 1 2 3} {1: 4}
5th day: {1: 1 2 3} {1: 4 5}
6th day: {1: 1 2 3; 3: 6} {1: 4 5}
7th day: {1: 1 2 3; 3: 6 7} {1: 4 5}
8th day: {1: 1 2 3; 3: 6 7; 4: 8} {1: 4 5}
9th day: {1: 1 2 3; 3: 6 7; 4: 8 9} {1: 4 5}



  • The constraints above is not typo, N and M can be as large as 1000 (1 Thousand), so H can be as large as 106 (1 Million). So this problem has 10× larger constraints than the original one.
  • Warning: Large Input/Output files, each file I/O can be as large as 7.5 Megabytes (7.5 MB), cin or cout probably too slow for I/O, it's recommended to use scanf/printf (I've tested it).
  • If you find this problem too hard, you can try this first: original problem with smaller constraints.



  • The total size of file I/O in this problem is slightly more than 100 MB, took a while to generate, modify, and upload it. :)
  • If the witch attack Jolly Kingdom everyday for 1 Million days that means the attack took more than 2500 years. :o
  • If I count number of operation in the deepest loop of my algo on worst case input, it will be 671,163,499 operations.


Credit & Special thanks


Added by:Tjandra Satria Gunawan
Time limit:4s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64 GOSU JS-MONKEY
Resource:Jollybee Online Judge

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2016-04-28 08:55:32 (Tjandra Satria Gunawan)(曾毅昆)
@p031606: congratulatins for becoming the fastest for now, I know how fun it is :D
On JollybeeOJ algo with complexity O(H * sqrt(N) * N * log(H)) can easily pass, of course in this problem O(H * N) should easily pass too without any optimization (except for slow language or slower I/O than scanf/printf).
2016-04-21 13:05:24
Easy problem.. if you get AC on the jollybeeOJ, just prune "a little bit" and you're good. Got the best solution ;)
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