list of classical problems

6500 Counting Diameter   36 40.78
6503 Travelling Salesman Again !   92 36.78
6652 Skiers   27 47.71
6678 Load Testing   200 59.73
6690 A - Comparison Expressions   54 32.76
6693 C - Karaoke   5 20.00
6706 Making Chess Boards   25 26.15
6711 Transform a Sequence   40 45.65
6720 Paper Fold   19 13.01
6732 Camels   74 41.92
6738 Nice Quadrangles   176 42.55
6767 Sequence Function   11 19.10
6804 Cheating or Not   16 14.09
6823 Seller Bob   66 21.99
6827 Last Minute Construction   21 18.42
6831 Two Ball Game   64 28.22
6832 To Score or not to score   43 28.16
6851 Fence   42 27.07
6860 Asistent   23 14.29
6885 Wonkas Oompa-Impa Dilemma   13 28.24
6895 Maximum Edge of Powers of Permutation   10 30.77
6949 PIN   112 26.01
6951 MP3 Player   34 28.75
6957 Partial Palindrome   3 8.33
6977 Odd Independent Sets   13 55.56
6981 The Least Number   21 31.91
6985 Rearranging Digits   54 26.02
6986 Summing Slopes   60 35.21
6999 Avoiding SOS Grids   65 10.41
7010 Police Business   6 30.36
7023 Cookies   19 36.36
7050 Necklace Decomposition   44 59.79
7100 Back To The Polygon   81 33.85
7193 The Pharaoh Curse   16 25.32
7248 Chess part1   99 23.82
7301 Lucky Controller   7 29.55
7323 Happy Days   46 48.08
7333 Shuffle Music   7 27.27
7336 Mastermind   487 36.07
7337 Shuffling   20 17.18
7378 Manhattan Companies   13 15.13
7387 Airplane Parking   53 22.88
7389 Rating Hazard   21 21.10
7402 Repair Depots   14 46.34
7409 Drawing Quadrilaterals   51 12.12
7427 Jara’s Legacy   81 39.79
7490 Biology   15 7.51
7556 B - Stock Charts   39 39.64
7558 D - Alphabetomials   10 50.00
7559 E - Football Team   9 19.70

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