list of classical problems

7874 Calculator   25 22.30
7884 Crni   52 53.27
7886 Boards (Hard)   35 34.59
7960 Multiplicative Palindrome   31 31.55
7972 World of cubes   34 17.42
8055 Playground   276 25.75
8062 Shopping Rush   71 63.59
8097 Islands   69 46.30
8099 Crash´s number table   120 21.31
8104 Friendly Knights   147 45.38
8108 POLYU   32 27.65
8189 Circles On A Screen   81 28.40
8265 Zero Count   14 12.61
8282 Distance   51 25.88
8316 Win gold medal   55 27.37
8317 Red Balls   43 44.84
8320 Spreadsheet scrolling   75 32.63
8321 Chocolate distribution   115 24.51
8323 Triangle equality   58 43.85
8325 Partitioning the plane   37 39.49
8326 Leaky containers   31 41.84
8327 Progressive progressions   53 66.10
8328 Move the books   27 33.33
8331 Sister cities   36 52.75
8332 Ski slopes   24 21.90
8333 Place-name game   69 37.88
8334 Enumeration of rationals   2 85 17.06
8423 Recover Polynomials   51 48.25
8427 Permutation Game   32 41.05
8428 Grid Tiling   23 22.93
8429 Array Sorting   62 16.26
8461 Adventure in Moving   43 27.98
8478 Ancient Pocket Calculator   7 4.44
8546 Manoj and Pankaj   51 23.05
8593 Covering the Corral   8 31.58
8594 Tails all the way   287 34.27
8626 Show Me The Fax   1 105 41.99
8627 I2C   32 25.79
8628 Selling Land   70 46.89
8651 Alien arithmetic   1 40 18.81
8657 The Bovine Accordion and Banjo Orchestra   6 25.00
8661 Bogosort   42 14.33
8663 Squares Game   34 48.75
8732 Best Fit   1 191 30.32
8735 Suffix Of Cube   1 93 43.09
8759 Alpine Skiing   1 51 38.46
8795 Twenty Questions   1 40 20.65
8836 Yet Another Sequence Problem   73 23.62
8841 Avaricious Maryanna   1 76 37.46
8844 Detection of Extraterrestrial   118 36.36

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