list of tutorial problems

21810    Problems 5: String FUACM005 28 44.44
21824    Problems 6: Change String FUACM006 22 71.88
21860    Chances of Win CHNCESWN 10 62.96
21862    Number of Paths STAIRCSE 22 48.00
21864    Next Largest In a Range RANGELAR 12 63.64
21865    Quick Transaction QUICKTRN 18 73.08
22059    Jumping Cat JUMPCAT 8 37.93
22061    DAY AND DATE NXTDAY 7 25.64
22089    CPCTriangle CPCANGLE 13 31.82
22122    Victory Day Party NAJVDP 12 41.18
22123    Destroy Enemy Camp NAJDEC 3 13.04
22124    Victory Day Dictionary NAJVDD 10 40.48
22131    KINGDOM JULIUS1 5 21.62
22169    Power of matrix MPOW 1700 25.08
22179    Size Contest Returns !! ARDH1 3 35.00
22220    Julius Princes Test JULIUS2 9 57.14
22222    Julius Divisibility JULIUS3 20 42.59
22244    Hello person1, person2 and personN HELLO_N 18 36.54
22260    Natural Number Sum NATRANGE 35 63.64
22261    Maximum Subset Sum MAXSUMSU 402 55.91
22262    Run Length Encoding RUNLEN 49 34.67
22306    Street Lighting NYSL 5 83.33
22308    Short form of New Year NYSFNE 75 18.46
22309    How to multiply NYHM 9 41.94
22312    Arranging New Year Balloons NYAB 0 0.00
22330    Kill the enemy heroes KILLHERO 28 33.56
22340    STOL CR07C2P5 13 36.11
22373    Sort the given list of n integers PESADA01 247 49.60
22378    Mobile Company 1 SELLPHON 28 45.68
22398    BICIKLI CR07C3P5 16 19.81
22408    Divisors of factorial (medium) DIVFACT2 94 32.57
22409    Search for an integer in a list of integers PESADA02 240 38.28
22410    Search for a substring in an ascii text PESADA03 215 31.47
22430    JOGURT CR07C4P5 5 31.58
22431    IVANA CR07C5P5 2 100.00
22444    Chemical X CHEM_X 31 90.20
22446    Insert and Search ARNAB1 9 44.44
22448    Insert and Range Search ARNAB2 3 50.00
22450    Insert and Window Query ARNAB4 7 28.89
22458    SREDNJI CR08C1P5 18 42.00
22468    Travelling Salesman Problem PESADA04 293 33.01
22533    An Arithmetic Problem PRJAN15A 52 29.95
22536    Prisoners PRJAN15D 59 64.90
22557    CUDAK CR08C3P5 18 23.08
22559    Binary Search the product of Large Intergers PESADA05 47 23.30
22706    Julius score card JULIUS4 4 85.71
22749    Fill the board FTB 10 58.82
22752    New year in DOJO NYD 12 26.23
22753    Quickly sort a list of integers PESADA06 243 34.62
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