list of classical problems

58    Crime at Piccadily Circus PICAD 636 13.91
59    Bytelandian Information Agency BIA 406 19.43
60    The Gordian Dance DANCE 207 38.93
61    Brackets BRCKTS 5406 24.42
62    The Imp IMP 289 30.38
63    Square Brackets SQRBR 3843 56.85
64    Permutations PERMUT1 4299 51.93
65    Ball BALL1 150 35.06
66    Cross-country CRSCNTRY 4064 64.47
67    Cutting out CUTOUT 287 42.33
68    Expression EXPR1 160 30.27
69    Moulds MOULDS 130 35.33
70    Relations RELATS1 246 27.20
71    Tree TREE1 447 28.48
73    Bacterial BAC 70 19.97
76    Editor Inverse EDIT2 64 17.34
77    New bricks disorder BRICKS 283 37.72
78    Marbles MARBLES 7900 34.96
82    Easy Problem EASYPIE 491 34.72
83    Bundling BUNDLE 49 38.85
84    Shortcut SHORTCUT 231 31.61
85    Dice Contest DICE1 44 21.14
86    November Rain RAIN1 292 17.48
87    Football FOOTBALL 60 21.86
88    Which is Next TREE2 127 20.65
89    Hang or not to hang HANGLET 61 19.26
90    Minimizing maximizer MINIMAX 365 24.96
91    Two squares or not two squares TWOSQRS 6014 24.58
92    Cutting off Squares CUTSQRS 250 42.55
94    Numeral System of the Maya MAYA 2577 40.50
95    Street Parade STPAR 18196 29.02
96    Shopping SHOP 3046 44.14
97    Party Schedule PARTY 8835 36.15
98    Dance Floor DFLOOR 716 40.30
99    Bus BUS 182 22.10
100    Tower of Babylon BABTWR 3056 50.51
101    Fishmonger FISHER 2294 38.09
102    GX Light Pipeline Inc LITEPIPE 75 30.85
104    Highways HIGH 750 19.97
105    Alice and Bob ALICEBOB 166 27.04
106    Binary Stirling Numbers BINSTIRL 2622 36.55
107    Calendar of the Maya MAYACAL 131 44.59
108    Decoding Morse Sequences MORSE 855 23.99
109    Exchanges EXCHNG 124 45.17
110    Fill the Cisterns CISTFILL 1401 31.32
112    Horizontally Visible Segments SEGVIS 155 27.70
115    Family FAMILY 71 12.02
116    Intervals INTERVAL 910 22.60
118    Rhombs RHOMBS 104 47.01
119    Servers SERVERS 109 19.71
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