list of classical problems

20173    Counting Divisors (square) DIVCNT2 425 21.66
20174    Counting Divisors (cube) DIVCNT3 352 34.61
20196    The Magical Bag DIVEQL 196 38.29
20327    Triangles BOI02TRI 28 27.33
20562    Tracy and Charlie TANDC 42 56.47
20563    Minion Circle MCIRCLE 19 32.97
20635    Dortmund Dilemma DORTMUND 19 45.45
20637    Ajob Subsequence AJOB 77 38.94
20644    Zero Query ZQUERY 643 19.76
20654    Interesting Subset INTSUB 93 23.38
20673    Count The Indexes CNTINDX 240 29.13
20689    WA,RTE and Placements WRP 22 39.20
20752    LAZY FRIENDS GEMS 33 52.81
20775    Roger and tree RTREE 328 27.86
20845    Interesting Numbers INUM 218 24.02
20846    Interesting Selection ISELECT 123 43.21
20848    Interesting Game IGAME 58 45.09
20849    Interesting queries IQUERY 44 36.32
20863    Largest Submatrix MINSUB 80 26.92
20872    Counting Pairwise Coprime Triples PCOPTRIP 44 52.31
20926    Special Numbers (Reverse and Add) REVADD 21 12.83
20931    Square-Free Product (Hard) PUCMMT02 56 36.14
20951    Pebbles SNIM 19 50.00
20957    Alia and 3 Khans KHANS 74 31.44
20970    Alia and Handsome Devil HDEVIL 391 30.43
20971    Alia and Substrings HAGU 20 21.99
20972    Alia and Cryptography CONOR 101 43.86
20977    Car Game UCBINTB 38 39.73
20979    Good UCBINTC 72 40.99
20980    Chicken Joggers UCBINTD 14 55.88
20984    Music Academy UCBINTF 62 44.94
20985    Archipelago UCBINTG 103 62.50
20986    Hypertubes UCBINTH 43 42.57
20987    Sequence UCBINTI 27 23.18
21049    Under Construction Forever UCF 15 44.44
21058    Dirty Plates CTPDIRTY 23 44.44
21061    Yet Another Subset Sum Problem YASSP 44 45.09
21068    Popular TPCPPLAR 45 24.53
21083    Lexicographically Smallest LEXSTR 242 33.00
21085    Palindrome Merge TPCPALIN 27 27.36
21092    DRAW TABLE FRMT 44 54.07
21096    Word Counting 2 WORDCNT2 168 29.13
21104    Jarin Loves New Task JLNT 43 37.35
21132    Palindromes APIO14_A 91 33.71
21155    Manoj and Fire MANJFIRE 20 25.38
21169    Balanced base-3 TAP2014B 506 51.55
21170    Constellation of the parallelogram TAP2014C 89 26.31
21171    Fractal domino TAP2014D 15 54.10
21172    Erdos et al TAP2014E 137 36.45
21173    String fertilization TAP2014F 58 45.23
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