REVADD - Special Numbers (Reverse and Add)

A number $N$ is called special iff it can be written as $$ N = \mathrm{reverse}(N_1) + N_1 = \mathrm{reverse}(N_2) + N_2, $$ where $N_1$ and $N_2$ are some positive integers and their number of digits (lengths) are different.

For example, $121$ is a special number since $$ \begin{aligned} 121 &= \mathrm{reverse}(74) + 74 = \mathrm{reverse}(110) + 110 \\ &= 47 + 74 = 11 + 110. \end{aligned} $$

There are only two special number less than $10,000$.

Find the first 5,000 smallest special numbers.


This problem has no input data.


Output the first 5,000 special numbers in ascending order. (One special number per one line.)


[4998 lines]


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2016-05-02 10:42:47 [Rampage] Blue.Mary
To debug the wrong program of this problem is a very challenging work...
2016-05-01 18:09:16 Min_25
2016-05-01 15:01:51 Amaterasu
Is my understanding of problem statement correct: number k is special number IFF there exists at least 2 integers a and b such that a + reverse(a) == b + reverse(b) == k AND digitNum(a) != digitNum(b). Is that what you meant by "two distinct digit number"?
2014-10-21 08:23:24 S.Y.P.Lai
OK, I see. I'd made a false assumption. Those numbers are not special.
2014-10-21 08:23:24 Min_25
Please check special numbers (< 10^7) using a brute force approach.
2014-10-21 08:23:24 S.Y.P.Lai

Could you check the submissions with WAs? I think your standard solution has some errors.
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