list of classical problems

8720    Looks like Nim - but it is not GAME2 90 21.35
8725    Closest Point Pair CLOPPAIR 1860 20.20
8728    Hierarchy MAKETREE 1660 30.00
8732    Best Fit BFIT 191 30.32
8734    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory CHARLIE 40 17.65
8735    Suffix Of Cube CUBEND 93 43.09
8747    Substrings II NSUBSTR2 145 10.58
8750    Wordplay WORD 91 26.21
8756    Shake Shake Shaky MAIN8_C 2370 23.82
8757    Coing tossing MAIN8_D 160 61.56
8758    Cover the string MAIN8_E 221 23.53
8759    Alpine Skiing SKIING 51 38.46
8769    String distance STRDIST2 16 54.05
8785    Cut the Silver Bar SILVER 5275 54.45
8786    The Longest Chain of Domino Tiles DOMINO1 291 32.49
8791    Dynamic LCA DYNALCA 436 28.58
8793    Separate Points SPOINTS 122 23.97
8794    Swimming Jam SWJAM 47 33.74
8795    Twenty Questions TWENTYQ 40 20.65
8796    Cubist Artwork CUBARTWK 644 68.40
8816    Mravograd MRAVOGRA 29 32.00
8820    Okret OKRET 40 19.42
8836    Yet Another Sequence Problem SEQ7 73 23.62
8839    Longest Common Difference Subsequence LCDS 72 24.81
8841    Avaricious Maryanna AVARY 76 37.46
8842    Boring Homework BWORK 153 42.54
8843    Complete the Set COMPLETE 52 32.71
8844    Detection of Extraterrestrial DETECT 118 36.36
8845    Entertainment TENNIS 48 38.10
8846    Fudan Extracurricular Lives MAHJONG 7 25.00
8848    Herbicide HERBICID 18 41.56
8849    Imitation IMITATE 23 38.36
8850    Juice Extractor JUICE 117 15.82
8869    Roti Prata PRATA 6847 39.82
8886    Guess number! GNUM 17 5.03
8894    Double Time DOUTI 31 47.62
8895    Power Crisis POCRI 441 33.98
8896    Pattern Matching PATT 25 21.38
8910    Probablistic OR PROBOR 172 58.36
8916    Villages by the River VILLAGES 268 23.71
8917    How Many Plusses PLUSEVI 174 31.76
8930    Party! PAAAARTY 61 18.55
8945    Grid points (speed variation) GRIDPNTS 24 24.68
8951    brownie XIXO 62 48.75
8952    Catapult that ball THRBL 2806 26.28
8971    LQDNUMBERS LQDNUMS 31 36.44
8980    Cost KOICOST 1154 29.38
8982    Representatives KOIREP 418 30.79
8985    Line up KOILINE 390 51.02
8989    Funny programming contest FUPRCO 33 24.28
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