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TJANDRA2 - Tjandra 19th birthday present (HARD) |
The 07 February 2013 was Tjandra's 19th birthday,
I want to make a present to him and all other great SPOJ solvers by the way.
So I set this HARD puzzle problem extension of the yet good
Warning : To solve the 'easy' task, you need a O(N^0.5) algorithm,
but to solve this 'harder' task, you need something around O(N^0.34),
so it's not about optimization tricks!!!
Please note that I checked my data with my 'semi-brute-force'-O(N^0.5)-Python3-solution and it took me 16 hours.
Don't forget to have fun with that problem!
The Game
This game/puzzle is about matches, given N matches, your task is to arrange the matches (not necessarily all) such that the number of rectangles (any size) is maximum.
The input begins with the number T of test cases in a single line.
In each of the next T lines there are one integer N.
For each test case, on a single line, print the required answer (maximum number of rectangles).
Input: 6 3 4 8 12 15 987654321123456789 Output: 0 1 3 9 12 60966316127114768913148159571503206
1 < T ≤ 100 1 < N ≤ 10^18
The T numbers N are uniform-randomly chosen in the range.
First test case:
No rectangle can be formed with only 3 matches.
Second test case:
Only one rectangle can be formed with 4 matches.
Third test case:
There are max 3 rectangles.
(2 size 1x1, 1 size 2x1) can be formed with number of matches ≤ 8,
here is one of the matches formation:
Fourth test case:
There are max 9 rectangles.
(4 size 1x1, 2 size 2x1, 2 size 1x2, 1 size 2x2) can be formed with number of matches ≤ 12, here is one of the formation:
Fifth test case:
there are max 12 rectangles.
(5 size 1x1, 3 size 2x1, 1 size 3x1, 2 size 1x2, 1 size 2x2) can be formed with number of matches ≤ 15, here is one of the formation:
Sixth test case:
You have to figure by yourself how to compute that in the required time.
Added by: | Francky |
Date: | 2013-02-19 |
Time limit: | 3s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
Resource: |
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2019-05-16 10:47:19
please give me solution =(Francky)=> solution Last edit: 2019-06-11 22:07:43 |
2014-03-05 17:37:42 Min_25
@Francky : Thank you. I enjoyed this problem and the secret. :) |
2014-03-05 17:25:01 Francky
Congratulations to Min_25 who successfully find the last 'little' secret to take 1st place. ;-) It's the secret for fast AC in easy edition !!! |
2013-03-07 17:53:47 Michael Kharitonov
Yes! AC! Good hard problem! --ans--> Congratulations, you solved it exactly in the way it was designed for. I now hope other great solvers will come take a chance. Edit : In fact, there's a specific room of this problem (not the factorization part, we can always do better) that you ignored, it boosts seriously the easy edition ! My secret : I used C++ for 'nth_element' in order to find the median of the thing. Last edit: 2013-03-09 18:22:29 |
2013-02-20 08:32:51 (Tjandra Satria Gunawan)(曾毅昆)
@Francky: Thanks a lot for making this hard problem with my name as the title, haha :-D But sorry I can't enjoy this problem for now because my limited ability (and, don't worry, I promise someday, I'll solve this problem)... Wow, you patient enough to wait 16 hours to check your case, haha ;-) And unbelievable, that "TJANRAS" was designed as easy as possible, I expected it will have many solver enjoyed it, but in fact, that problem only have 6 solvers until now.. strange.. the same condition happen to my "A_W_S_N" problem too.. (unlike you, I like if my problem has many solver, haha :-D, just kidding :-P I'll very proud of myself if I can solve your great problem :-)) --ans--> In fact it's not so hard, and I know you have all the knowledge to solve this task. Good luck to everybody. EDIT(Tjandra): Ok, let's wait for other user comments :-P Last edit: 2013-02-20 09:24:06 |
2013-02-19 17:30:45 Francky
@tjandra : Sorry to give your present so lately, I had a whole week out of the Net. @all others : good luck, the hell is again inside this task!!! |