SNGDIV69 - Divisible by 6 and 9

Let num (> 0) be n (> 0) digit(s) positive integer. num is represented as N1N2N3N4.....Nn-2Nn-1Nn , where Ni is the ith digit of num from left (0 < i < n+1). Digits of num are sorted in descending and ascending order respectively and this sorting generates two new positive integers numdsc and numasc. The difference between the numbers is diffnum = numdsc - numasc , if diffnum is divisible by both 6 and 9, then we say that num is a magic number. Let sumdigits is defined as following

number = diffnum
do {
number = sum of digits of number
} while (number > 10)

 sumdigits = number


First line of input is t (< 101), total number of test cases. Each test case has n (< 10001) as its first input and next n lines contains num (< 10100). 


For each test case, write exactly n lines containing two/three specifications without space :
(i) Y if num is magic number otherwise N.
(ii) Let sumdigits = c, ZER if c is 0 (zero), ONE if c is 1 (one) if c > 1, EP if c is even and prime, ENP if c is even but not prime, OP if c is odd and prime or ONP if c is odd but not prime.
(iii) Let diffnum = d, If num is not a magic number then print EQL if d is not divisible by both 6 and 9, LTN if d is not divisible by 6 only, GTN if d is not divisible by 9 only.


100 Output: YONP

0 is divisible by 6 and 9 :)

Added by:AvmnuSng
Time limit:0.100s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64 GOSU
Resource:Abhimanyu Singh
My Problems

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2013-12-23 19:32:46 shiv prasad chabarval
my 800th submission and this time AC :)

Last edit: 2013-12-23 20:16:19
2013-12-22 15:13:34 Pradyumna Newalkar
Easy Problem.. :) :)
2013-11-16 15:30:36 AvmnuSng
@shanmukha boora
May be you should use more clear format to print string, and go through the logic again
2013-11-16 13:41:45 Shanmukha Boora
@Abhimanyu Singh can u please check my submission...getting WA
2013-11-16 11:23:00 AvmnuSng
@surendra : I am saying again, with proper indentation, you can write code within 1024B and actually you will hardly cross the limit, if you don't know that there is nothing in the problem. So thing again may be you can submit the code in 0.00sec than 0.20sec:)
And there is one more problem like this problem,
Number Magic II

Last edit: 2013-11-01 08:56:14
2013-11-16 11:23:00 ­Surendra
@Abhimanyu : 1024B is not good enough to use normal code styles
2013-11-16 11:23:00 AvmnuSng
source code limit is very fine and i guess its more than enough.
2013-11-16 11:23:00 ήάέέϻ Ÿ
Very strict source limit for me :(
2013-11-16 11:23:00 Mostafa 36a2
Thanks ..
But i still think "Digits of num are sorted" is a past sentence ..
better to change it to :
if you sort Digits of num in descending and ascending order ,so that generates ...
Thank you
2013-11-16 11:23:00 AvmnuSng
@Lakshman : You are making spelling mistake, all the other things are fine :)
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