Your task is return SIGSEGV. Any other result will be changed into WA (Wrong Answer).

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Score is Your source length.

Added by:Piotr Kąkol
Time limit:0.200s
Source limit:10000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:Another task from SHORTEN

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2011-04-24 05:21:59 Santiago Zubieta
Im wondering... why I've got two codes from other problems that returned SIGSEGV, and once I put those codes into this problem, it gives WA
2011-04-17 07:26:12 Piotr KÄ…kol
@M. Zuhriyan Sauqi - It seems that You have to return SIGSEGV another way. But I agree You should get AC.
2011-04-15 01:44:12 M. Zuhriyan Sauqi
my program had returned SIGSEGV but it gave me WA
2011-04-02 16:52:46 Piotr KÄ…kol
Good question.
I don't even remember where I put it but if admin moved it, it's okay for me.
Maybe because of the fact that it's not a typical task.


Last edit: 2011-04-02 16:53:51
2011-03-18 05:40:41 :(){ :|: & };:

why is this in partial?
2011-03-15 18:29:31 yahoo_m
what does it mean to return a SIGSEGV???
does our program need to cause a segmentatin fault
2010-12-29 22:55:00 Piotr KÄ…kol
Good question. I should have mentioned that. Thanks.
2010-12-29 22:54:25 sushant bhatia
@hatake: you have to return a SIGSEGV while making as short a code as possible. 90 SIGSEGV means that the length of your code is 90 chars.
2010-12-29 22:54:25 bgbraithwaite
How are we ranked in this problem.Do we have to return max no of SIGSEGV or minimum. MY programme got 90 SIGSEGV.
2010-12-29 22:54:25 Alexander
Yes, well, never mind; it's just a clash of terminology.
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