Your task is return SIGSEGV. Any other result will be changed into WA (Wrong Answer).

No input

No output

No example


Score is Your source length.

Added by:Piotr Kąkol
Time limit:0.200s
Source limit:10000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:Another task from SHORTEN

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2012-01-04 20:43:36 LaFolle
I access v[1] in int v[1]; but spoj says there is no SIGSEGV,which I have confirmed by gdb. What can be the problem?
2012-01-01 06:54:57 Aditya Pandey
nice problem.... :)
2011-05-22 05:22:03 bashrc is back
@Dumanshu....thru asm.....
Other possibilities too..:)
main is only 4 chars long?right?;)

Last edit: 2011-06-27 04:56:16
2011-05-21 18:14:10 Piotr KÄ…kol
That'll be my secret. ;-)
2011-05-21 07:57:21 Dumanshu Goyal
But plz ans this... is it possible to compile and run a .c file which doesn't have a main() function??
2011-05-20 19:05:51 Piotr KÄ…kol
There are not many permutations which makes sense in C of length 5 chars. ;-) Try some ideas and You'll probably succeed sooner or later. ;-)
2011-05-20 15:19:42 -[-_^_-]-
good question....
2011-05-19 14:37:01 Dumanshu Goyal
how is that the best solution in c is having 5 points?? main() itself is 6 points!
2011-05-19 14:36:20 Dumanshu Goyal
is it possible to compile a .c file which doesnt have a main function?
2011-04-24 22:14:23 Piotr KÄ…kol
It may be because You get SIGSEGV for the unique input. For example You have:
int tab[10];cin>>x; tab[x]=1;
and if x>9 You get SIGSEGV and here there's no input so SIGSEGV won't occur.
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