MANGOES - Real Mangoes for Ranjith

Ranjith is very fond of mangoes. One fine sunny day, he goes to market to get some mangoes. In the market place, he finds N boxes (indexed from 1 to N), filled with mangoes kept infront of him. Each box indexed i is denoted by bi and contains exactly i mangoes. The number of mangoes in bi is denoted by mi and m_i = i. Let ti denotes the type of mangoes in box bi (ti is either "real" or "fake"). He can choose any box bi (i <= N-2), but he doesn't know if the box contains "real" mangoes or "fake" mangoes i.e. type of box bi.

The type of mangoes in bi depends on the number of mangoes in boxes bi, bi+1, bi+2 i.e. {mi, mi+1, mi+2}. Mangoes in box bi are "real" if for each pair of numbers taken from set {mi, mi+1, mi+2}, Greatest common divisor(GCD) equals 1. Otherwise, "fake". Note that ti is not defined for i = N-1 and i = N and assumed to be "fake". 

Given N, Ranjith wants to know the total number of "real" mangoes he will get from all boxes. As Ranjith cannot count beyond N, output the result modulo N.


Test File starts with number of test cases - T;

T lines follows, each containing N, number of boxes.


Output T lines Number of "real" mangoes Ranjith gets (modulo N) in each one of the T cases.


2 < N <= 10^8
T <= 10000




Added by:Gopal Rander
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Bytecode '13

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2013-08-25 02:15:59 The Mundane Programmer
Easy...... Use Ad hoc:)

Last edit: 2013-08-25 02:16:13
2013-08-12 13:11:21 BLANKRK
fst attmpt.... :)
2013-07-23 11:53:30 ABHISHEK KUMAR
easy 50th :)
2013-07-19 15:49:47 chk
a little thinking can get u the green bar ;)
2013-06-18 20:53:39 Adam D
@ankit kumar sinha : hint -> some variable is overflowing its range
2013-05-31 18:03:54 piyush
@ Ouditchya Sinha thanks
2013-05-30 07:32:56 shiv prasad chabarval
easy one
2013-05-25 09:58:01 ankit kumar sinha
@eduardo nunes .. pls explain ans for 189087.. i am gettin ans as 146003
2013-05-25 02:02:54 OKUDA Yoshifumi
I had overlooked: He can choose any box bi(i<=N-2)

Last edit: 2013-05-25 03:41:40
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