Subru and Shanmu are playing Chess. Shanmu wonder about queens. So he asked Subru the following question

How many ways are there to place a black and a white Queen on an M × N chessboard such that they do not attack each other? The queen can be moved any number of unoccupied squares in a straight line vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

Subru gave the answer in seconds for a given chess board of size M × N (M <= N). Can you repeat the same with your code?

Input Format:

The first line contains the integer “t” which indicates the number  of test cases. Each of the following t lines contains two integers M and N separated by spaces (M<=N).

Output Format:

Output for each case consists of one line: The number of ways of placing a black and a white queen on a M × N chess board such that they do not attack each other.

Constraints: T <= 10000, 2 <= M <=10^10, 2 <= N <= 10^10. And M<=N.

Sample Input:


5 5

3 4

2 2

Sample Output:




Added by:Radhakrishnan Venkataramani
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:ITRIX 2011

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2020-01-23 00:50:36 Francky
Warning, with some cases you'll have M > N, others with M <= N.
2020-01-21 23:17:21
I suck at these problems, but like a lemming that doesn't die, just keeps falling off the cliff, I keep getting into them over and over again, thinking it'd be easy, then spending hours staring at my own analysis as if it was written in Etruscan. Then I go grab something from the fridge and out of the blue I get the idea that gets me to AC. So I never learn how to arrive at the solution in an orderly manner and next time I encounter "how many ways.." it's bound to cost me a whole evening. Again!

Sushovan Sen, your result is correct but int64 is not enough for bigger cases.
2016-04-14 11:34:47 Sushovan Sen
Is long long in C is enough?
Can you please check submission id : 16739788

Or at least few other test cases.
what is op for
21202 35487

566030597842239020 ??

@nadstratosfer thanks.
It was naive of me to ask the question after figuring out the formula. AC now

Last edit: 2022-06-03 12:00:14
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