IDC1948 - Identity crisis

For every given number n we define x(n) as distance from n to the first number after n in form of 99...99. For example x(100)=899, x(45)=54, etc. Given several n numbers you have to find the Zp, where x(n) ≡ n (mod p).


First line of input contains one number T (T < 20) - the number of test cases. In each of the next T lines contains one number each to represent n (0 < n < 30000000).


In each line you have to write one number - the least p > 1 that x(n) ≡ n (mod p). If there is no such p the line should contain -1.





x(234)=765. 765 mod 3=0, 234 mod 3=0 => 765 ≡ 234 (mod 3)

Added by:Konrad Krystecki
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2019-12-29 06:42:52
Find smallest p>1 such that x(n) %p == n %p. Hopefully translating the statement to human is not a spoiler.
2016-07-19 20:34:37
300th on spoj..<3..CREDITS :@pulkit_gulati
2016-02-06 18:21:19 ROHIT GUPTA
bad problem. two same solution with different header , giving ac in c WA in c++
2015-10-27 06:52:47
AC in 1 goo...easy one ..simple maths+sieve ;)
2015-10-21 11:53:08 kamran siddique
Easy One...
2015-09-28 05:32:51 ROHIT RAJ
AC in 1 go !!
Learned a lot. nice question
2015-01-14 06:35:30 deadbrain
Very Poor Explanation.... Could have been much better.... Think beyond what is written and dont be distracted by the comments...
2015-01-12 14:47:58 D
yupiee! finally solved.
2014-07-12 23:47:33 zicowa
and also for 99 consider 99
2014-07-12 23:46:13 zicowa
finally GOT AC go with the standard defination for modulo congurency and abs(a-b)
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