GUESSING - Number Guessing Game

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Added by:Bin Jin
Time limit:0.100s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:the (first?) "interactive" problem on SPOJ

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2011-06-07 04:44:09 nagesh
i also like chocolates...
2011-06-07 04:44:09 Danav
2011-06-07 04:44:09 Anurag Atri
nice ..
i love chocolates .
2011-06-07 04:44:09 Min2
Please tell the format to submit.
I got the right answer but when i submitted it in text form, it showed wrong answer. please tell the format to submit :(
2011-06-07 04:44:09 Mehul
I have got the right answer, bt cant submit the solution.....can u post the link giving instruction about the "sentence" which is to be submitted.....
2011-06-07 04:44:09 Abhijit Raj
this was refreshing. :)
2011-06-07 04:44:09 Aakashdeep
If i get 1A5B for 111111 then it means 111111 is the right answer??
but still getting wa :(
what is the format of submitting?
2011-06-07 04:44:09 Satyarth Kumar Prasad
Plzz dont post solution here..!!
2011-06-07 04:44:09 :D
Don't post solutions in the comments!
2011-06-07 04:44:09 Ankit Gupta

Last edit: 2010-12-30 19:17:13
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