GUESSING - Number Guessing Game

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Added by:Bin Jin
Time limit:0.100s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:the (first?) "interactive" problem on SPOJ

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2013-07-31 09:36:00 Enduric
Give the answerr!
2013-07-31 09:35:53 Enduric
Give the answer!
2013-06-25 04:43:29 Decepticon
Nice problem
2013-06-17 10:08:18 Jiten Agarwal
2013-06-15 16:20:16 anonymous
522222 , 252222 , 225222 , 222522 , 222225 evrything gives 1A5B .. Hws that psble ??
2013-06-15 15:55:48 anonymous
some bug .. 505501 gives 4A4B

055111 gives 0A10B .. wtf .. y these many bugs

Last edit: 2013-06-15 16:22:10
2013-05-23 11:15:36 Himanshu
cool game.....
2013-04-14 18:14:11 ওয়াসী (Wasi)
Nice probelm!!!
2013-03-15 05:19:57 Samyak Daga
Nice. :)

Last edit: 2013-03-15 05:27:53
2013-02-15 20:55:36 Vikas Gupta
nice one....

Last edit: 2013-02-15 20:56:12
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