GUESSING - Number Guessing Game

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Added by:Bin Jin
Time limit:0.100s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:the (first?) "interactive" problem on SPOJ

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2018-07-01 20:36:48
0..5 = {0,1,2,3,4,5} = indices of the digits of the guessed and correct number. For example guess[2] is the 3rd digit of guessed number.
2018-07-01 11:36:12
Loved guessing it!
2018-02-18 15:07:46
i heard this words from jack ma

Last edit: 2018-02-18 15:08:11
2017-12-18 19:08:38
Fun activity ;p
2017-09-26 14:40:30
Very hard problem i think the solution must be O(n*n)
2017-08-24 08:26:19
Very different and fun problem.
2017-08-11 07:26:40
interesting :)
2017-08-01 20:09:51
took time to understand at first!!!
Good problem
and lastly
2017-05-31 18:01:50
Had Fun solving this!
2017-05-23 11:13:01
I got 15B for 777777 !
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