Archit Kapoor


India, Delhi NCR

Joined Aug 2013

World Rank: #11602 (3 points)

Institution: Uttar Pradesh University

Passionately enjoy coding.Love to code in Java/Python but always open to learning new technologies.Love to write test cases before writing the code itself.! Self motivated and optimistic.Quick Learner.Proactive rather than reactive. I want to be with people who are smart and love challenges.Love to enjoy my work.Keen observer and always prefer to keep things organized and well managed.Coding+Music+Coffee=Life for me!

Activity over the last year

AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchless than 10 submissionsbetween 10 and 20 submissionsbetween 20 and 30 submissionsbetween 30 and 40 submissionsmore than 40 submissions


 Problems solved
 Solutions submitted
