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Sphere in a tetrahedron statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
3504 6731 3777 1638 926 256 36

41 2008-07-06 04:44:35 Liuctic accepted 0.00 1.6M C
42 2008-09-04 22:35:39 Thomas accepted 0.00 1.7M C
43 2008-10-05 15:41:40 Eigenray accepted 0.00 1.6M C
44 2008-10-07 08:24:10 amaroq accepted 0.00 1.6M C
45 2008-11-03 22:44:48 adrin john accepted 0.00 1.6M C
46 2008-11-03 22:47:30 shoyeb irfan accepted 0.00 1.6M C
47 2008-11-07 17:13:57 Vivek Kumar Singh accepted 0.00 1.6M C
48 2008-11-07 17:16:05 Rupesh accepted 0.00 1.6M C
49 2008-11-13 05:31:29 rupesh srivastava accepted 0.00 1.6M C
50 2009-01-28 18:58:23 varinder kumar bansal accepted 0.00 1.6M C
51 2009-03-16 01:07:33 fortune cookie accepted 0.00 1.6M C
52 2009-03-18 15:04:56 james accepted 0.00 1.5M C
53 2009-03-19 00:20:12 #FRRRANTIC(bvv33)# accepted 0.00 1.5M C
54 2009-04-28 17:08:45 Rodolfo Riyoei Goya [USJT] accepted 0.00 1.5M C
55 2009-05-21 00:11:16 QPCC accepted 0.00 1.6M C
56 2009-05-27 10:29:46 Sowrabh accepted 0.00 1.6M C
57 2009-06-05 12:16:09 Јован accepted 0.00 1.5M C
58 2009-06-22 09:32:59 naveen kumar accepted 0.00 1.6M C
59 2009-06-22 20:26:25 Alexey Smirnov accepted 0.00 2.2M C
60 2009-06-27 21:30:34 nKs accepted 0.00 1.5M C