list of tutorial problems

20677 Easy Equation   16 26.92
20748 Remove Duplicates   82 58.33
20749 Remove Duplicates 2   227 63.15
20750 Remove Duplicates 3   23 10.64
20762 Recursive Functions   22 63.16
20763 Journey of nikki   1 19 41.38
20765 Friendship Bond   1 13 32.26
20766 nikkiNXN   11 65.22
20771 Simplest Pattern Search with Spaces   38 45.28
20847 Students Database   20 49.09
20853 Rotations   103 48.76
20854 The world and Contients   96 57.14
20866 National Day Vietnam 2 9 2014   8 73.68
21056 Vowel again   15 73.91
21097 XYZ-Strings   12 23.61
21098 HardDisk Drive   21 56.76
21168 At random   307 38.52
21182 Sum of Digits   26 65.00
21408 2x2 Subgrid Sum Problem (hard)   4 18.18
21410 A Gift for You 2   35 21.58
21523 A multiplied B equal to N   1 7.89
21556 Square   99 32.73
21558 Carl Friedrich Gauss   19 61.29
21559 Khoj The Search   11 51.43
21560 Dr. Sheldon cooper and Pseudo code   6 31.25
21561 Amazing Subset   95 33.23
21563 Annie’s 18th Birthday   13 66.67
21565 Count the miscall   8 45.45
21566 Dictionary   4 12.90
21567 Add   8 36.00
21568 Shopkeeper Order   15 82.61
21569 Find out Defect Ball   10 43.24
21570 Triangle Under a Circle   15 65.22
21583 Print ♥   6 44.44
21647 String Jutsu   12 60.00
21675 VEGETABLE SHOPKEEPER 1   19 62.50
21681 Find Unchanged Position   16 92.00
21741 Pipage   83 18.93
21746 Rooks and pawns   80 18.02
21860 Chances of Win   10 62.96
21862 Number of Paths   22 48.00
21864 Next Largest In a Range   13 61.90
21865 Quick Transaction   18 73.08
22059 Jumping Cat   1 8 37.93
22061 DAY AND DATE   7 25.64
22089 CPCTriangle   13 31.82
22122 Victory Day Party   12 41.18
22123 Destroy Enemy Camp   3 13.04
22131 KINGDOM   5 21.62
22179 Size Contest Returns !!   3 35.00

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