list of tutorial problems

8223 Binary Strings   27 51.56
8224 Perfect Composites   40 19.47
8227 Fibonacci Terms   42 52.17
8264 Find The Pattern   14 18.18
8266 Compare The Strings   98 52.67
8267 Welcome To Code - Easy   18 59.52
8268 Welcome To Code - Hard   8 45.00
8289 Find the unique Number   159 26.84
8293 Bit count   -1 62 36.48
8294 Largest Square in a Circle   143 54.11
8373 AVION   1438 41.55
8377 PRAYER QUEUE   20 60.98
8379 count frequency of digits   23 50.00
8380 COUNT ATTENDANCE   16 67.74
8395 ZBROJ   392 60.91
8412 Greedy Government   168 53.24
8413 Clean the Forum Posts   436 48.64
8437 MODULUS   1 421 53.23
8439 VijayAndAjith   80 69.29
8440 Verify N queens   50 17.73
8441 Problem 2   19 51.28
8443 Problem 4   27 57.14
8458 ALIGNSUBTRACT   7 15.56
8459 AVERYEASYPROBLEM   66 56.94
8493 Colorful Blocks   193 58.35
8524 Back to High School Physics   429 85.55
8530 Skew Binary   1 78 63.86
8543 The Quine   36 30.03
8582 Data transfer   3 4.88
8585 Easy Factorials   13 6.75
8647 String Game   35 52.50
8648 Square number game   14 37.04
8649 Prime game   11 26.32
8749 Waiting for Easter   82 33.44
8754 Cout   44 57.47
8790 Find summits   11 54.55
8897 Vadivu vs Kanth   1 153 39.08
8901 BRAINF__K DESIGN   1 21 55.81
8911 FREE PATHS   89 40.26
8931 PATHS( no source code limit)   1 46 53.89
8999 Primo Va Primo Viene   10 32.35
9078 Graph basics concepts   16 17.24
9082 Graph basics concepts   17 1.39
9106 REARRANGE   123 38.38
9109 NTH WORD   1 37 36.61
9111 Prime Time   140 34.87
9113 Digibomb!   51 66.04
9114 String Game   1 63 56.20
9115 Prime Kitties   1 129 49.67
9127 Graph basics concepts II   6 16.67

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