VECTAR14 - Changu with subsequences
Changu likes to play with string and subsequences. He has thought of a puzzle for you. Can you answer him?
He gives you a sequence of '(' and ')'. Your task is to find out the number of its different subsequences that are regular bracket sequences.
For example, the sequence “()()” has 3 such subsequences: “()()”, “()”, and “”. As the number can be large, you have to output answer modulus 1000000007.
The first line contains T, the number of test cases. T lines follow, each containing a sequence of '(' and ')'.
For each test case, print the required answer.
Input 2 () ()() Output: 2 3
T < 10
0 < |S| <= 1000
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Rafail Loizou:
2021-05-10 14:44:00
Very nice problem. A generalization of the one below:
Cz³owiek Z Br±zu:
2016-11-06 20:23:43
So, if we take this "( ( ) ) ( ) " for example, then all possible subsequences are:
2016-10-20 14:38:38
Very Nice Problem. Good Work Piyush |
[Rampage] Blue.Mary:
2016-07-18 15:06:18
"subsequences" means continuous?
Added by: | Piyush Kumar |
Date: | 2016-07-17 |
Time limit: | 0.100s-2s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: GOSU |
Resource: | Andrew Stankevich Contests |