THRBL - Catapult that ball

Bob has unusual problem. In Byteland we can find a lot of hills and cities. King of Byteland ordered Bob to deliver magic balls from one city to another. Unfortunately, Bob has to deliver many magic balls, so walking with them would take too much time for him. Bob came up with great idea - catapulting them.

Byteland is divided into intervals. Each interval contains city and hill.

Bob can catapult magic ball accurately from city A to city B, if between them there isn't higher hill than A's hill.


Every test case contains N and M (N <= 50000, M <= 50000), number of intervals and number of balls.

In next line there's N numbers H (H <= 10^9) separated by one space.

In next M lines numbers A and B (1 <= A, B <= N), number of city from which we want to catapult the ball and number of city to which we want to catapult the ball.


Write one number - number of magic balls that Bob can catapult successfully.


7 3
2 3 5 4 2 1 6
3 5
2 5
4 6



Bob can catapult balls numbered 1 and 3.

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tyzoke: 2020-08-23 20:37:17

Can be done using Sparse Table.
Quick Remainder - take extra care for edge cases, when A = B and B - A = 1.
Also, it's (A, B) not [A, B].

rituraj735: 2020-08-20 19:31:13

Plain basic minimum range query required. 0.05 s using sparse table algorithm

karan_221: 2020-08-07 14:22:06

took me 5 tries look for edge cases

immim: 2020-04-01 13:31:46

Not always (A<B) can be (B < A).

abuhanif: 2020-01-24 16:42:27

between means after A and before B
(A,B) not [A,B]

Last edit: 2020-01-24 16:49:31
Vinod Kollipara: 2019-07-29 05:45:59

is anybody able to submit sparse table based solution in java

fardin_abir: 2019-05-29 05:14:33

Accepted, but how to solve this with binary concept?

vcode11: 2019-05-25 12:13:13

AC in one go using sparse table

shoumikk: 2019-05-23 10:42:11

sparse table - 0.02sec

taponidhi: 2018-09-20 16:03:47

Complexity can be O(n) for precomputation and O(1) for query.Just use NGE(Next Greater Element)(0.02 sec) concept.Its a wonderful problem to apply all ur range solving concepts.Make multiple submissions using different concepts.It gave me wonderful clarity and complexity difference idea.

Last edit: 2018-09-20 16:04:32

Added by:Krzysztof Lewko
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