RPNEVAL - Evaluate simple RPN expression

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Evaluate an expression in Reverse Polish Notation (otherwise known as Postfix notation). Assume there are 4 numerical operators: + - * /, and numbers can be floating point values. Each token in the expression, be it a number of operator, is separated from its neighbours by one or more spaces, to make the expression easy to parse. The program should read a series of input strings from stdin and output either the evaluated number to 4 decimal places (use the %.4f print format), or the single word "ERROR". If the expression is not parseable, does not evaluate correctly, or leaves extra data on the stack, the output should be "ERROR". An example INPUT/OUTPUT sequence is given below for reference.


A series of RPN expressions, one per line on stdin.


One line for each output element - either the numerical output, or the string "ERROR"


1 2 3 /
2 3 /
3 4 * /
1 2 4 + - 5 * 7 /


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D¿oana: 2023-12-14 19:01:47

Yes, you have to read the input until EOF.

sabkx: 2021-11-06 13:10:27

I think it is read until EOF

vedant11: 2020-06-09 22:41:53

same issue
dk when to terminate
giving tle

ankitgiri45: 2020-05-16 10:29:44

Hey can anyone help me with when i should stop taking input.

ummihopes: 2020-04-03 18:04:05

When should we need to terminate the process of getting input. No limit or no of test case as input is also not provided what we should do? Can any one plz suggest a way

m_1000ton: 2020-03-27 21:36:37

al final cuantos casos de prueba se hacen para este problema

grey_rabb1t: 2019-07-28 03:36:17

excuse me but how many tests are there ?

danielpyon: 2019-06-26 02:06:00

Use stack and parse each character in the input.

muneerhasan: 2018-12-23 16:08:50

my answer is correct for given inputs but getting wrong answer on spoj
please help

Last edit: 2018-12-23 16:09:27
xandfury: 2018-12-15 08:14:35

Consider using test cases. Though you can easily input using

Added by:Nitin Chandrachoodan
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