PIR - Pyramids
Recently in Farland, a country in Asia, the famous scientist Mr. Log Archeo discovered ancient pyramids. But unlike those in Egypt and Central America, they have a triangular (not rectangular) foundation. That is, they are tetrahedrons in the mathematical sense. In order to find out some important facts about the early society of the country (it is widely believed that the pyramid sizes are closely connected with Farland's ancient calendar), Mr. Archeo needs to know the volume of the pyramids. Unluckily, he has reliable data about their edge lengths only. Please, help him!
t [number of tests to follow] In each of the next t lines six positive integer numbers not exceeding 1000 separated by spaces (each number is one of the edge lengths of the pyramid ABCD). The order of the edges is the following: AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD.
For each test output a real number - the volume, printed accurate to four digits after decimal point.
Input: 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1000 1000 1000 3 4 5 Output: 0.1179 1999.9937
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2017-08-05 06:39:17
Many bloody tears were shed trying to get past the WA. Turns out the input file indeed contains valid pyramid dimensions only (volume will not be a complex number), but DO pay attention to variable order. Test case that helped greatly:
2017-06-09 10:17:18
sample testcase passed in terminal , but on submitting shows wrong on the very first case
2017-05-02 01:50:49
All sides can be stored as int
2017-03-11 21:46:01
Interestingly, the question setter posted the problem a few days after posting the more difficult problem TETRA. Note about previous comment which says "Use doubles for input. Test cases contain decimal inputs." The question clearly says "six positive integer numbers". So there are no decimal inputs. There can't be, my answer was accepted. Last edit: 2017-03-11 22:04:56 |
2017-03-07 16:44:13
This is a purely formula based problem. If you want to learn something from it, read this article and learn the determinant from here:
2017-02-08 19:04:19
AC on the first try without having to do anything weird.
2017-01-13 16:01:26
brain_fucked !!
2016-11-13 04:52:29
Do remember the correct order of input...and the ans to the second test case given is not the one stated.
2016-10-30 10:40:41
don't know about the myth but worked fine with int for me....just keep the order of edges in mind.... :) |
2016-10-12 05:51:26
For C# I experienced no problems with I/O, reading ints was fine (doesn't mean you work with them as ints). |
Added by: | Adam Dzedzej |
Date: | 2004-05-14 |
Time limit: | 1s |
Source limit: | 10000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: NODEJS PERL6 VB.NET |
Resource: | ACM ICPC 2002-2003 NEERC, Northern Subregion |