PALIN - The Next Palindrome
A positive integer is called a palindrome if its representation in the decimal system is the same when read from left to right and from right to left. For a given positive integer K of not more than 1000000 digits, write the value of the smallest palindrome larger than K to output. Numbers are always displayed without leading zeros.
The first line contains integer t, the number of test cases. Integers K are given in the next t lines.
For each K, output the smallest palindrome larger than K.
Input: 2 808 2133 Output: 818 2222
Warning: large Input/Output data, be careful with certain languages
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2018-12-14 09:53:21
I have run over 10^20 times on my computer and it only cost 2s.However,I got TIME LIMITE EXCEEDED when submit every time. Who can tell me why? Last edit: 2018-12-14 10:13:03 |
2018-12-12 07:25:17
I'm getting runtime error NZEC in this problem while submitting
2018-12-10 22:54:24
This is a nice problem.....Try to consider all the cases........Not a easy problem so don't worry it will take some time to solve...try to optimize your code....
2018-12-08 09:39:37
Anyone please help me.
2018-12-08 08:27:27
@ahnaf97: there will be no such input with leading zeroes.
2018-11-19 09:07:05
i tried every possible case...but still WA. NEED HELP!!!
2018-11-15 10:12:53
@abhinav_12716 we need to find next smallest palindrome |
2018-11-15 08:15:20
808 is a pallindrome itself
2018-11-14 10:55:14
SIGABRT runtime error how to resolve it? my program is working fine in other ide here its showing error. |
2018-11-06 15:16:20
@omar_elbzt_96 when your program use too much "if" then your time to run the program will be exceeded. It is similar to when you do your exam and you run out of time.
Added by: | adrian |
Date: | 2004-05-01 |
Time limit: | 2s-9s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: NODEJS PERL6 |