GSS1 - Can you answer these queries I

You are given a sequence A[1], A[2] ... A[N] . ( |A[i]| ≤ 15007 , 1 ≤ N ≤ 50000 ). A query is defined as follows:

Query(x, y) = Max { a[i] + a[i+1] + ... + a[j] ; x ≤ i ≤ j ≤ y }.

Given M queries, your program must output the results of these queries.


  • The first line of the input file contains the integer N.
  • In the second line, N numbers follow.
  • The third line contains the integer M.
  • M lines follow, where line i contains 2 numbers xi and yi.


Your program should output the results of the M queries, one query per line.


-1 2 3
1 2


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ma_niu_bi: 2022-08-30 14:06:37


ma_niu_bi: 2022-08-30 13:38:07

wrong answer on test #9? help!

Phi: 2022-08-15 14:01:47

I'm not sure I understand the query definition? Are we looking for a sum of a[i] up to a[j]? If yes, why do we need max{} then (it would be a max from a single value)? Or are we interested in a max over a[i] up to a[j]? If yes, why are there pluses between a[i]s?

Last edit: 2022-08-15 14:01:59
vikash_singh18: 2022-07-04 12:41:13

tumse na ho payega

onlyerror: 2022-06-29 13:46:22

For those who are getting a wrong answer return -1000000 for invalid ranges

amank12345: 2022-06-12 20:20:32

I have been trying it through java,but worst part is that,this platform unlike leetcode doesn't show the test case where the code failed. this is just worst platform. it doesn't even show the testcases ,no option of initial run. can't even figure out whats the problem.

two_plus_three: 2022-06-10 09:34:39

Can someone please provide me a testcase at which this solution fails?
[Simes]: Please use the forum for this.

Last edit: 2022-06-10 10:13:03
huangdachuan: 2021-08-21 23:37:58

See Finding subsegments with the maximal sum in the the key is to understand the recursive query logic.

matinzare: 2021-07-24 10:10:55

15007 × 50000 = 750350000 = > int
but after WA on 9 and change it to long long got AC :/

Waseem Ahmed: 2021-07-17 20:02:41

Finally solved it using Segment Trees.

Advice : While this is a standard problem and tutorials and codes are available online, solve it yourself for a wonderful learning experience on segment trees.

And thanks a lot to all the users who provided the sample test cases.

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