list of tutorial problems

22309    How to multiply NYHM 9 41.94
22312    Arranging New Year Balloons NYAB 0 0.00
22330    Kill the enemy heroes KILLHERO 28 33.56
22340    STOL CR07C2P5 13 36.11
22378    Mobile Company 1 SELLPHON 28 45.68
22398    BICIKLI CR07C3P5 16 19.81
22408    Divisors of factorial (medium) DIVFACT2 94 32.57
22430    JOGURT CR07C4P5 5 31.58
22431    IVANA CR07C5P5 2 100.00
22444    Chemical X CHEM_X 31 90.20
22446    Insert and Search ARNAB1 9 44.44
22448    Insert and Range Search ARNAB2 3 50.00
22450    Insert and Window Query ARNAB4 7 28.89
22458    SREDNJI CR08C1P5 18 42.00
22533    An Arithmetic Problem PRJAN15A 52 29.95
22536    Prisoners PRJAN15D 59 64.90
22557    CUDAK CR08C3P5 18 23.08
22706    Julius score card JULIUS4 4 85.71
22749    Fill the board FTB 10 58.82
22752    New year in DOJO NYD 12 26.23
22785    Pythagorean Triple Counting (LTL) PTCLONG 25 49.44
22787    Simple Polygon UF2015A 2 20.00
22788    Research Problems UF2015B 3 10.71
22789    Breaking RSA UF2015C 14 87.50
22790    Bloxorz UF2015D 7 70.00
22792    Project Management UF2015E 7 71.43
22793    Rectangular Spirals UF2015F 1 1.82
22794    Combination Lock UF2015G 23 88.46
22795    Consecutive Numbers UF2015H 21 54.65
22796    Food Selection UF2015I 5 83.33
22797    Automated Dispatch UF2015J 10 92.86
22800    Ranjan And Friends RANFR 18 86.36
22801    BRUSH BRUSH 18 38.89
22802    Chacha And Pongo CHANPON 17 45.24
22803    Number Of ways NUMWAYS 8 45.16
22805    Ant Hills ANTHIL 19 33.33
23006    The Next Number DCEPC13A 16 22.73
23146    Sort The Sorted DCEPC13B 19 86.36
23151    Can you solve it DCEPC13G 8 15.25
23152    Alien Invasion DCEPC13C 23 54.00
23226    Can you do it NAJCC 15 45.00
23229    Alice Game NAJAG 31 23.60
23428    Decrypt the Message BYU15W_1 29 50.00
23432    Largest Product BYU15W_3 16 30.43
23436    Look and Say BYU15W_5 16 56.67
23535    Dos pintores y una pieza PINTORES 17 63.64
23543    Networking lover Poltu! NLP 10 8.48
23544    The Prime Explorer PRIMEEXP 2 2.94
23546    Tree NAJTREE 8 33.72
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