list of tutorial problems

26776    Equation Equals Hazards EEH 7 44.44
26779    The Universe Loves Minimum Steps ! MINST 53 44.96
26781    Why Always Recursion ESYRCRTN 1064 44.47
26786    Bacteria in The Pond BCTRA 9 26.56
26803    Balloons for All BALLOONS 77 29.47
26804    Pyramids TPYRAMID 51 57.89
26806    A + B Problem LONGSUM 135 46.01
26807    Best Students BESTMARK 72 35.48
26844    Enough of GoT INS16G 1 3.03
26886    Print it All PRINTITALL 11 61.36
26911    Factorial base 12 FACTB12 64 37.04
26957    Chain Smoker CHNSMKR 91 30.06
26970    Special Square SPECSQ 25 50.00
27025    Printing Spiral Digits PRINTSPIRAL 347 24.32
27043    Subset Pattern SPATTERN 33 11.98
27068    Leaf LEAF 66 7.25
27090    Move it, please! PRINTMOVE 318 23.20
27180    Island Under Attack! ISLAND_ATTACK 14 5.50
27181    Guess the birthday of author or the co-author GUESSBDAY 11 52.94
27182    Easy modified sudoku EZSUDOKU 296 14.55
27192    Dividing Apples IAPCR2A 67 21.35
27193    Find ICPC IAPCR2B 48 34.00
27211    Arun, Barun and KIRANMALA KIRNMALA 5 38.46
27220    FOODIE FOODIE 420 50.65
27224    String To Binary STOB 64 19.22
27255    Water Bill Company WBILL 21 24.21
27256    Riddle Riddle RIDD 66 39.00
27263    Changus Big Battle VECTAR2 109 50.29
27264    Changus Small Battle VECTAR3 22 61.90
27271    Collecting Coins COLCOIN 158 13.51
27299    Find Log FLOG 123 8.89
27306    Detecting End Of File - Tutorial EOF 4 9.76
27309    Help MS Dhoni IMVK 62 52.99
27363    Decryption Key DECKEY 2 7.41
27485    GO POKEMON GO! COMBAPOW 1 2.94
27490    Robber vs Miser ROBMIS 57 54.87
27492    Eid Salami EIDSALAMI 80 33.03
27495    Ikri Bikri IKRI 27 33.64
27499    Budget for Flowers and Books BFFAB 29 27.27
27839    Move it, please! Part 2 PRINTMOVE2 8 4.12
27939    Amazing Maze AMAZENG 6 15.48
28010    Copy Cat CAT 17 10.42
28105    MCQ MCQ 5 11.63
28178    Real Give Away GOC11F 33 51.47
28326    Another Input/Output Test EC_IO 44 25.44
28407    Busqueda Binaria BBIN 470 44.81
28455    Helping grandpa Laino TAP2016A 202 15.50
28467    Búsqueda Binaria 2 BBIN2 332 34.58
28560    Intersection Points Between Line Segments IPBLS 7 4.76
28561    Number of divisors NUMDIV 138 12.01
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