list of classical problems

16184    Megatron and his rage CODFURY 1106 32.27
16138    Deconnecting CODGRF 57 38.04
16177    Hashcodes and primes CODHASH 19 44.26
10444    Coding CODING2 99 35.55
16214    Pabbu-pneumonia CODPABBU 52 22.68
32940    Alien Language CODWRECK4 70 39.44
6731    Coeficientes COEF 1253 50.05
10106    Coin Collecting COIN 44 39.79
346    Bytelandian gold coins COINS 25755 25.15
10355    Coin Tosses COINTOSS 388 34.10
7286    Collect Diamonds COLDIAM 16 23.08
16554    Linearian Colony COLONY 850 42.80
19037    Magical colorful cats (easy) COLORCAT 20 20.10
20170    Coloring Segments COLORSEG 88 20.64
13808    Colors COLOR_CC 25 20.99
5296    Air Combat COMBAT 64 14.85
1024    Complete Chess Boards COMCB 529 54.71
7718    Number of common divisors COMDIV 6932 24.80
7783    Commuting Functions COMFUNC 44 25.22
45    Commedia dell Arte COMMEDIA 241 33.79
11579    Two Famous Companies COMPANYS 207 21.00
2323    Broken Compass COMPASS 41 13.42
8843    Complete the Set COMPLETE 50 31.73
11723    HELP ABHISHEK(version-II) COMPLEX2 34 58.18
5153    Compressed String COMPRESS 40 30.00
397    I Conduit CONDUIT 190 15.38
10399    Conga line CONGA 357 35.80
13398    Contest Hall Preparation CONHONPR 336 43.25
262    Connections CONNECT 111 28.84
4361    Connected Points CONNECTE 9 52.17
20972    Alia and Cryptography CONOR 101 43.86
35669    Consecutive Letters CONSEC 479 26.69
10447    Contaminated City CONTCITY 69 13.63
1800    Fixed Partition Contest Management CONTEST 58 35.59
180    How to pack containers CONTPACK 100 36.49
1875    Cool Numbers COOLNUMS 164 30.38
22532    Cool Problem COOLPROB 16 57.14
30945    Non Coprime Sequences COPSEQ 20 21.08
30961    Non Coprime Sequences(Hard) COPSEQH 16 7.64
3078    Copying DNA COPYDNA 44 23.53
26314    Corn Headache CORN 356 35.54
264    Corporative Network CORNET 596 25.01
8593    Covering the Corral CORRAL 8 31.58
10628    Count on a tree COT 2413 17.07
10707    Count on a tree II COT2 3054 19.05
11414    Combat on a tree COT3 233 30.08
11482    Count on a trie COT4 60 23.63
12964    Count on a treap COT5 9 50.00
13369    Cut on a tree COT6 9 6.53
26799    Counter-Smack COU 56 19.96
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