list of classical problems

14973    Reverse Fox Hunt UOFTAD 75 44.71
14974    Foxling Feeding Frenzy UOFTAE 461 41.95
14975    Foxic Expressions UOFTAF 84 14.96
14977    Attack of the Bloons UOFTBB 362 45.35
14978    Homemade Asteroids UOFTBC 62 24.75
14979    Diablo Bot UOFTBD 79 15.58
14980    MVP UOFTBE 21 44.44
14981    Light Cycling UOFTBF 77 14.59
18465    A Subtle Surf UOFTCC 201 43.17
18466    A Frightening Evening UOFTCD 116 29.00
18467    A Brief Expedition UOFTCE 272 54.44
18468    A Pleasant Stroll UOFTCF 134 35.01
18469    Office Mates UOFTCG 51 31.70
16487    Update the array ! UPDATEIT 4913 38.62
40379    Arithmetic Progression Query UPDTARR 85 29.55
1031    Up Subsequence UPSUB 727 32.58
9690    Universal Question Answering System UQAS 24 25.14
31970    Urdhva - Tiryag Bhyam URD 82 31.53
28653    Urinals URI 11 11.19
31230    TV Schedule URJC2_A 78 52.87
31231    Playing Darts URJC2_B 30 30.65
31234    Stressful Activities URJC2_E 66 49.03
31235    Fractals URJC2_F 55 47.24
15914    Update Sub-Matrix & Query Sub-Matrix USUBQSUB 76 33.53
18666    Radiation UVA1 31 18.65
18966    Vacation Planning VACATION 137 25.67
18438    Happy Valentine Day (Valentine Adventure Game) VAL_GAM4 9 20.00
23925    Vitaliy and Pie VAPI01 613 42.07
3867    Who is The Boss VBOSS 166 24.85
9689    Very Boring Homework VBWORK 15 33.33
3863    Area of circles VCIRCLES 304 29.64
32125    Flirtatious Verma VDATE 87 22.59
27261    Matrices with XOR property VECTAR1 63 20.24
27320    Card Game VECTAR10 354 38.52
27367    Game of Squares VECTAR11 460 40.79
27375    Garden of Mangu VECTAR12 84 49.53
27429    Changu Mangu in a Football Team VECTAR13 80 20.00
27450    Changu with subsequences VECTAR14 31 37.17
27267    Changus Final Battle VECTAR4 260 54.76
27268    Count Subsets VECTAR5 213 44.96
27313    Number of Binary Trees VECTAR6 72 44.39
27317    Number of score sequences VECTAR7 79 46.67
27318    Primal Fear VECTAR8 1512 22.17
27319    Mangu Numbers VECTAR9 105 37.18
18937    Touch of Venom VENOM 1399 23.24
10958    Vero Dominoes VERODOOM 416 45.01
235    Very Fast Multiplication VFMUL 1276 27.79
18458    Very Friends 2 VFRIEND2 38 19.93
18457    Very Friends VFRIENDS 242 27.74
6479    The Very Greatest Common Divisor VGCD 93 10.23
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