list of classical problems

10799    Happiness at the lowest cost RS2D 12 4.84
32201    Right Shift RSHIFT 213 11.03
1526    Ranklist Sorting RSORTING 23 12.75
3582    Restaurant Tab RSTAURNT 24 27.27
20775    Roger and tree RTREE 329 27.89
22560    Valid Path RTREE2 60 37.60
22561    Roger and tree III RTREE3 25 11.34
16381    Help Vishnu with his points RUMMY 11 41.30
34    Run Away RUNAWAY 483 21.79
34684    Secret Service Agent RZSCSRVC 30 42.98
3305    Roman Patrollers SA04C 46 59.46
3306    Very Special Boxes SA04D 109 31.33
30893    Sabbir and Game SABBIRGAME 781 34.32
21834    Sadde and His City SACITY 45 24.22
13745    Crack the Safe SAFECRAC 606 53.36
14864    Sales SALES 21 30.34
17732    Salary Management SALMAN 228 18.92
8992    A los saltos SALTOS 36 30.82
688    Toy Cars SAM 580 17.91
34374    Samvel and Boxes SAMBOX 50 31.32
3405    Almost Shortest Path SAMER08A 1666 31.59
3406    Bases SAMER08B 68 21.12
3407    Candy SAMER08C 1358 42.64
3408    DNA Sequences SAMER08D 1983 26.17
3409    Electricity SAMER08E 806 47.74
3410    Feynman SAMER08F 34171 57.51
3411    Pole Position SAMER08G 910 47.49
3412    Higgs Boson SAMER08H 48 18.93
3413    Traveling Shoemaker Problem SAMER08I 73 16.87
3414    Bora Bora SAMER08J 144 49.01
3415    Shrinking Polygons SAMER08K 231 18.92
6377    Two Array Problem SAMTWARR 185 27.61
14944    Reindeer Games SANTA1 111 21.66
14946    Travelling Santa SANTA2 51 37.29
14947    Breaking and Entering SANTA3 24 36.84
32446    Sanvi and Magical Numbers SANVI 10 22.08
32245    Apoorv and Maximum Inversion SAS001 145 32.77
32257    Apoorv and Math problem SAS002 137 15.65
34557    Apoorv Loves Primes SAS003 46 42.49
17877    Two Swamills SAWMILL 65 40.09
7489    Slow Growing Bacteria SBACT 82 11.67
27    Sorting Bank Accounts SBANK 8785 40.41
6830    Soccer Bets SBETS 1596 51.13
15190    MAXIMUM RARITY SBO 84 33.74
3    Substring Check (Bug Funny) SBSTR1 1068 7.43
13833    Super Borboletas World SBW 6 33.33
2643    Starcraft I SC1 54 22.25
1713    Funny scales SCALE 560 30.45
153    Balancing the Stone SCALES 324 32.92
404    Scanner SCANNER 56 12.24
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