list of classical problems

4194    Another Lucky Numbers MSE08G 137 33.50
4195    GCD Determinant MSE08H 267 45.53
22766    Make Sets MSET 26 56.72
4191    Sky Code MSKYCODE 661 28.09
3937    Wooden Sticks MSTICK 675 36.81
3982    String problem MSTRING 604 48.95
7336    Mastermind MSTRMND 487 36.11
2670    Count Minimum Spanning Trees MSTS 180 17.18
12262    Mirror Strings !!! MSUBSTR 915 33.32
4083    Tele Broadcast MTELE 67 50.52
19722    Modular Tetration MTETRA 38 69.95
12012    grace marks MTHUR 224 22.86
3868    Total Flow MTOTALF 1383 36.21
4097    Locomotive MTRAIN 34 44.30
3974    Another Tree Problem MTREE 645 32.53
3912    Color a tree MTREECOL 215 26.93
3895    Matrix Game MTRGAME 25 31.71
3931    Maximum Triangle Area MTRIAREA 281 29.22
733    Mountain Walking MTWALK 753 25.44
31    Fast Multiplication MUL 8842 20.77
3023    Binary multiplication MUL2COM 226 24.96
7960    Multiplicative Palindrome MULPAL 31 31.55
34536    MultiSort MULSORT 106 20.86
12810    Yet Another Multiple Problem MULTII 270 21.58
146    Fast Multiplication Again MULTIPLY 36 12.50
7299    Multiples of 3 MULTQ3 3687 23.42
2185    Musical Optimization MUSIC 69 42.36
196    Musketeers MUSKET 497 30.27
13105    DNA MUTDNA 641 36.85
4459    Muzidabutur MUZIDA 4 21.43
4100    Sum of Vectors MVECTOR 101 31.71
697    Matrix Words MWORDS 94 25.33
41044    UkÅ‚adanie kart - Card stacking MWPZ017 29 41.86
18450    Largest Increasing Sub-Matrix MXSBMTRX 11 14.05
16389    Play with Strings MY02 41 21.81
34549    Mysteriousness of a Logical Expression MYLOGEXP 61 10.49
10639    The Blind Passenger MYQ1 1990 44.67
10649    Mirror Number MYQ10 176 21.53
10701    The Lazy Gamer MYQ11 16 13.61
10704    The Great Escape MYQ12 33 28.73
10640    The Wild Wizard MYQ2 96 26.68
10641    The Dating Dress Problem MYQ3 38 23.96
10643    The Nerd Factor MYQ5 203 47.01
10644    Serve The Street MYQ6 135 25.25
10645    The Rail Network Renovation MYQ7 94 33.85
10646    The National Game MYQ8 49 29.77
10647    Divide And Conquer MYQ9 11 16.90
5102    Mystic Craft MYSTIC 54 46.05
3979    Whirligig number MZVRK 1024 37.94
13838    Mosty! Find Gn M_SEQ 556 49.50
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