list of classical problems

15506    Helping Igor IGOR 98 36.10
31928    Those College Days! IIITD1 234 28.43
28784    IIITM Student IIITMSTUD 87 51.09
7565    Another Sorting Algorithm IITD1 29 14.60
7567    Divisor Summation Powered IITD4 361 21.22
7566    Expected Cycle Sums IITD5 44 46.40
15554    Niceness of the string IITKWPCA 1157 36.41
15555    Check the coprimeness IITKWPCB 3238 50.33
15556    Count right angle triangles IITKWPCC 46 24.49
15557    Partition the sticks IITKWPCD 106 34.56
15558    Let us play with strings IITKWPCE 310 38.93
15559    Help Feluda with mathematical equations IITKWPCF 272 22.84
15560    Help the old King IITKWPCG 524 37.25
15561    Find Number Of Pair of Friends IITKWPCH 435 32.12
15562    Find Lexicographically Smallest Permutation IITKWPCI 354 40.27
15563    Check the string Powers IITKWPCJ 488 28.89
15565    Find Distances In A Plane IITKWPCL 46 15.45
15566    Coprime Again IITKWPCM 65 26.35
15567    Playing With Balls IITKWPCN 1764 65.36
15627    Create Collections IITKWPCO 1606 33.64
18243    Maggu and Strings IITWPC4A 593 33.11
18245    Maggu and Triangles IITWPC4B 417 31.31
18246    Maggu and Vectors IITWPC4C 79 26.44
18247    Arrangement Validity IITWPC4D 212 35.90
18248    Maggu’s Solar Panels IITWPC4E 43 33.18
18249    Gopu and the Grid Problem IITWPC4F 78 33.78
18261    Maggu and Weird things IITWPC4G 23 28.30
18283    Maggu and Cuteness of Strings IITWPC4H 167 40.07
18284    Petya and the Road Repairs IITWPC4I 877 23.97
18286    Gopu and Fishes IITWPC4J 104 46.47
18287    Maggu and Magguness Level IITWPC4K 43 32.11
18289    Maggu and Mystery IITWPC4L 13 30.91
14    I-Keyboard IKEYB 1283 43.47
35140    Count Pairs ILD18ACP 59 24.89
36644    Minimum string moves ILD18MSM 0 0.00
26319    I LOVE Kd-TREES ILKQUERY 211 42.72
26685    I Love Kd-Trees II ILKQUERY2 123 36.64
2661    Illumination ILLUM 6 3.40
35150    Line Follower Robot ILOVEGEO 17 44.90
962    Intergalactic Map IM 564 23.41
904    Image Perimeters IMAGE 331 59.24
2153    Internet is Faulty IMATCH 64 41.34
17123    Destroying the Weapon Warehouse IMBOX 125 38.16
1963    Image Projections IMGPROJ 104 32.61
3360    Digital Image Recognition IMGREC2 27 9.07
8849    Imitation IMITATE 22 36.00
8044    Fantastic Discovery IMMERSED 306 42.60
62    The Imp IMP 292 30.33
9644    Imperialism IMPER 172 30.50
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