list of classical problems

17258    Yungom HPREFIX 19 33.33
7733    Happy Numbers I HPYNOS 9365 53.39
7753    Happy Numbers II HPYNOSII 647 15.91
9042    HQNP Incomputable HQNP 45 33.55
32857    Angry Siam HRSIAM 56 34.01
4186    Break a New RSA system HS08CODE 136 35.61
4188    Amazing equality HS08EQ 38 13.58
4166    Four colors HS08FOUR 100 21.88
4164    A conjecture of Paul Erdős HS08PAUL 2246 44.04
4784    Diophantine equation HS09EQ 149 39.96
4761    Strategy game HS09GAME 39 54.84
4785    Starship HS09SHIP 10 28.80
7946    Check Ramsey HS10RMSY 8 39.13
7947    Almost square factorisation HS10SQFT 120 51.97
12240    Multinomial numbers HS12MULT 19 39.76
12241    Classification from Erdős and Selfridge HS12PRIM 27 17.59
5511    Heavy Sequences HSEQ 82 18.23
31430    Highschool Homework HSHW 44 21.18
1028    Hubulullu HUBULLU 8217 58.75
9515    Dwarven Sniper´s Hunting HUNT1 10 56.00
34254    Huseyn and his game HUSGAME 109 29.05
15328    Hunter x Hunter HXH 71 12.91
27196    Study Room IAPCR2C 435 52.16
27195    Find The Number IAPCR2D 211 37.38
27198    Ballons Revisited IAPCR2E 94 20.51
27194    Summer Trip IAPCR2F 215 23.48
34575    A New Task for Ibrahim IBIGAME 36 51.61
36860    Epidemic Control IBONEC 29 54.95
1784    IOICamp Sequence ICAMPSEQ 318 12.68
25311    Candies ICANDIES 1085 35.75
16297    Sir and The ICC Ratings ICC 22 23.00
26773    Secret Key ICCSECRET 32 53.12
205    Icerink ICERINK 8 12.79
15270    A plus B ICKAPLSB 12 6.86
15336    Hello Intercal! ICKHELLO 169 59.11
1881    Instruction Decoder ICODER 664 50.71
13404    The Encrypted Password ICPC12C 166 37.36
2179    ICPC Scoreboard ICPCS 175 29.30
18302    Identity crisis IDC1948 217 27.97
31756    The Idol IDO 13 18.92
16607    Sweets IE1 139 31.36
16636    Journey IE2 50 22.43
16639    Endless Knight IE4 39 23.36
18393    Hamiltonian Cycles IE5 25 17.49
11175    The Ball Game IEEEBGAM 2280 44.16
5159    Island Explorer IEXPOLRE 34 15.28
31897    If Chain IFCHAIN 25 46.75
11952    Intergalactic Highways IGALAXY 136 28.32
20848    Interesting Game IGAME 58 45.09
362    Ignore the Garbage IGARB 418 43.65
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