list of classical problems

3565    Choosing Gloves GLOVE 84 22.88
142    Johnny and the Glue GLUE 105 38.04
30009    Game of MODs GMMOD 43 23.20
34275    Game Store GMSTRE 206 48.09
8330    Giant fountain GNTFNTN 30 43.52
8886    Guess number! GNUM 17 5.03
2525    Encoding GNY07C 745 29.02
2526    Decoding GNY07D 1034 36.32
2527    Flipping Burned Pancakes GNY07E 258 52.38
2528    Monkey Vines GNY07F 775 43.31
2529    Model Rocket Height GNY07G 80 54.27
2530    Tiling a Grid With Dominoes GNY07H 2401 64.99
2531    Spatial Concepts Test GNY07I 73 65.83
15634     Lennys Lucky Lotto Lists GNYR04C 226 34.38
15637    Mr Youngs Picture Permutations GNYR04H 495 37.72
15636    Histology Assistant GNYR04I 8 37.84
5295    Adjacent Bit Counts GNYR09F 3619 65.30
4987    Goal for Raúl GOALFR 543 29.99
28179    Appending String GOC11A 250 44.51
28180    Sanvi Hates Palindrome GOC11B 58 34.47
28743    Game of Iron Thrones GOIT 47 48.94
6726    Goldbach graphs GOLDG 30 54.55
3753    GONDOR GONDOR 380 53.04
10790    G-One Numbers GONE 2191 47.86
11321    G-One Sort GONESORT 775 37.92
26952    Game Of Ones GOO 1079 41.43
14887    Good Travels GOODA 498 28.86
14888    Good Predictions GOODB 1043 41.56
14889    Good Strategy GOODC 53 39.36
14890    Good Code GOODD 55 22.81
14891    Good Debugging GOODE 57 43.50
14892    Good Aim GOODF 36 30.89
14893    Good Inflation GOODG 189 28.35
14894    Good Celebration GOODH 24 21.39
18857    Gopi and Sandwich GOPI_SW 276 43.98
3133    Here We Go(relians) Again GORELIAN 167 39.89
2139    Gossipers GOSSIPER 591 31.70
16307    Game of stones II GOSTONES 22 37.61
11985    Gao on a tree GOT 764 15.08
11244    GP - Complete the Series v1 () GP1 286 21.30
8467    GRADE POINT AVERAGE GPA1 631 29.95
4717    Grid Points in a Triangle GPINTRI 97 46.48
26575    Grand Reward GR 431 58.82
14923    King Graffs Defense GRAFFDEF 444 25.55
14924    King Graffs Tolls GRAFFTOL 31 40.00
14925    King Graffs Trip GRAFFTRI 24 21.26
12803    Graph GRAPH2 8 18.42
10568    Graph Cut GRAPHCUT 105 38.07
3108    Charlesbert and Merangelou GRAPHGAM 71 47.31
12005    Grass Planting GRASSPLA 524 44.18
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