list of classical problems

11873    Round Trip FUKU11J 8 9.57
10612    Funny Areas FUNAREA 89 32.79
7380    Factorial challenge FUNFACT 342 31.50
27248    Funny Modular Sequence FUNMODSEQ 82 35.23
13881    FUN WITH LETTERS FUNNUMS 231 29.42
4672    Yanu in Movie theatre FUNPROB 1688 45.16
8989    Funny programming contest FUPRCO 34 24.71
25782    Fury Road FURYROAD 89 43.92
1675    Fusion Cube FUSION 79 49.18
3902    Fight with functions FWFUNC 20 6.55
12056    Nubulsa Expo FZ10B 9 11.01
34481    Galactic Division GALACDIV 8 7.86
1460    A Simple Calculator in the Galaxy GALAXY 32 40.50
4000    GALLUP GALLUP 64 44.44
2177    Galou is back! GALOU 223 31.13
11517    GAMING ARENA GAMARENA 58 39.30
385    Game schedule required GAME 148 28.48
8720    Looks like Nim - but it is not GAME2 90 21.35
9842    Yet Another Fancy Game GAME3 236 22.91
9430    The game of 31 GAME31 160 38.72
10800    GAME GAMECG 21 12.64
1705    The Game of Efil GAMEFIL 89 49.61
31412    ShaatChara GAMEMVS 70 50.58
12448    How Many Games? GAMES 3734 22.38
1879    Game Time GAMETIME 101 22.59
2678    Closest distance GANNHAT 159 13.50
7230    Garbage Collection GARBAGE 158 39.68
2141    Golden Garden GARDEN 17 17.70
5240    Area of a Garden GARDENAR 1689 47.03
28742    Pizza Store and Gasoline GASOLINE 60 42.60
4657    Gas Wars GASWARS 139 35.32
34127    Gray Code and Twos Complement GCATC 14 11.18
2906    GCD2 GCD2 6807 36.48
5084    Discrete Math Problem GCD3 280 31.44
30396    Easy GCD GCDEASY 87 30.75
3871    GCD Extreme GCDEX 2694 29.52
19985    GCD Extreme (hard) GCDEX2 281 35.06
41657    GCD Goodness GCDGOOD 23 36.00
26017    GCD OF MATRIX GCDMAT 273 39.52
26045    GCD OF MATRIX (hard) GCDMAT2 122 28.85
41507    GCD Product Sum GCDPRDSM 43 31.86
30919    Sabbir and gcd problem GCDS 309 22.14
6059    Another GCD problem GCDSQF 331 45.61
17406    Cheating a Boolean Tree GCJ082A 113 35.28
4585    Star Wars GCJ08C 74 35.09
37114    PermRLE GCJ08RND2PD 10 30.77
6700    Make it Smooth GCJ101AB 69 20.99
6691    Picking Up Chicks GCJ101BB 2216 32.14
6678    Load Testing GCJ101C 200 59.73
15060    Elegant Diamond GCJ102A 15 56.25
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