list of classical problems

2124    Last Non-Zero Digit of Factorials FCTRL4 476 25.10
15382    Factorial (Again!) FCTRL5 4 42.35
23237    Feast Coins FEAST 100 40.94
4408    Build a Fence FENCE1 12263 44.80
4587    Electric Fences FENCE3 128 31.89
2273    Ferries FERRY 28 17.39
6236    Matches FERT21_0 449 21.93
10919    I Hate Parenthesis FERT21_1 92 29.33
40808    Crowded Music Festival FESTIVAL 46 48.15
4211    Fast Maximum Flow FFLOW 16 22.22
2418    Flying Frogs FFROG 57 37.43
7603    Fibonacci Factor FIBFACT 26 26.94
36563    Hard Fibonacci FIBHARD 86 23.70
31428    Fibonacci Polynomial FIBONOMIAL 123 35.56
12125    Fibonacci With a Square Root FIBOSQRT 149 33.36
8001    Fibonacci Sum FIBOSUM 6836 27.74
19406    Fibonacci extraction Sum FIBOSUM2 49 26.38
25067    Fibonacci Polynomial FIBPOL 222 40.77
35582    Fibonacci Power Sum (hard) FIBPSUM2 13 26.23
35552    Fibonacci Power Sum FIBPWSUM 25 35.87
11409    Fibonacci With a Twist FIBTWIST 1007 31.28
4278    Battlefield FIELD 5 44.00
7423    File Recover Testing FILRTEST 910 35.46
3003    Median Filter FILTER 20 47.58
33048    Find Linear Recurrence FINDLR 23 34.48
5969    Finding Maximum FINDMAX 103 30.45
5970    Finding Primes FINDPRM 1332 27.88
7212    Find String Roots FINDSR 2152 34.86
3899    Finding Fractions FINFRAC 166 29.25
23861    Fingerprints FINGP 266 34.36
1421    Goods FIRM 140 29.23
101    Fishmonger FISHER 2299 38.11
12651    Finding Fishes FISHES 45 27.98
5446    Fishing Net FISHNET 159 30.87
11904    A Classic Myth - Flatland Superhero FLATAND 10 46.43
187    Flat broken lines FLBRKLIN 97 40.53
7487    Flibonakki FLIB 850 29.55
13884    FLING1 FLING1 55 23.60
10667    PASIJANS FLLM 66 48.17
2142    Arranging Flowers FLOWERS 23 9.57
5156    Flowers Placement FLOWERS2 41 31.06
4477    Flower growing FLOWGROW 112 22.55
38602    Unique Sequence FLT 60 45.62
7685    Flowers FLWRS 307 30.12
4210    Fast Maximum Matching FMATCH 10 41.94
13420    Fimodacci FMODF 35 12.58
27093    Branch Assignment FN16ASGN 28 37.50
27096    Forever Young FN16BASE 22 22.52
27094    Ceiling Function FN16CEIL 144 43.86
27095    Clock Breaking FN16CLK 18 58.54
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