list of classical problems

390    Billiard BILLIARD 886 54.32
391    Railroads RAILROAD 84 17.69
392    Spin SPIN 38 24.40
393    Hexagon HEXAGON 70 48.70
394    Alphacode ACODE 22169 27.26
395    Anti-prime Sequences APRIME 338 49.32
396    Hit or Miss HITOMISS 129 44.75
397    I Conduit CONDUIT 190 15.40
398    Roll Playing Games RPGAMES 117 14.15
399    Team Rankings TRANK 385 53.26
400    To and Fro TOANDFRO 23288 55.52
401    Translations TRANSL 131 38.11
402    Hike on a Graph HIKE 762 40.21
403    Sort fractions FRACTION 706 32.96
404    Scanner SCANNER 56 12.24
405    Tin Cutter TCUTTER 134 33.72
406    Logic LOGIC 107 22.51
407    Random Number RNUMBER 44 28.25
408    Jill Rides Again JRIDE 935 34.10
409    DEL Command DELCOMM 73 16.93
410    Variable Radix Huffman Encoding VHUFFM 173 18.96
411    Number of quite different words NUMQDW 238 33.43
412    K-path cover COVER 181 20.04
413    Word Puzzles WPUZZLES 365 18.09
414    Equatorial Bonfire BONFIRE 71 30.48
416    Divisibility by 15 DIV15 1017 15.44
417    The lazy programmer LAZYPROG 645 20.09
418    Necklace NECKLACE 43 16.76
419    Transposing is Fun TRANSP 282 36.89
421    Another Road Problem AROAD 67 24.36
422    Transposing is Even More Fun TRANSP2 288 25.99
423    Assignments ASSIGN 4647 33.53
428    Particular Palindromes PARTPALI 492 32.02
449    Simple Numbers with Fractions Conversion TCNUMFL 34 17.11
479    Permutation generator TPERML 126 27.48
481    Roots of polynomial KMSL4B 37 24.90
484    Fossil in the Ice TFOSS 434 22.09
503    Prime Intervals PRINT 1736 15.78
515    Collatz CLTZ 443 43.44
518    Zig-Zag Permutation ZZPERM 42 31.02
526    Divisors DIV 1684 43.57
530    Divisors 2 DIV2 908 52.54
598    Increasing Subsequences INCR 142 34.21
660    Dungeon of Death QUEST4 1340 42.83
661    Nail Them QUEST5 962 42.91
665    String it out SUBS 1216 38.76
666    Con-Junctions VOCV 984 40.62
676    Sorting is not easy LSORT 536 39.66
677    A place for the brewery BROW 209 27.63
681    Building the Tower HANOI07 96 19.61
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