list of classical problems

9692    Share the Cakes CAKE4 7 10.53
9693    Revenge of Fibonacci REVFIB 92 30.78
9694    Quelling Blade QB 5 33.33
9721    2s Complement CODESPTA 173 31.83
9722    Insertion Sort CODESPTB 3836 30.69
9723    Card Shuffling CODESPTC 39 26.69
9725    Queens on a Board CODESPTD 51 50.00
9734    Hacking the random number generator HACKRNDM 5767 38.82
9746    Bytelandian Tours CODESPTE 15 24.32
9748    Palindromes CODESPTF 91 29.27
9749    Cliques CODESPTG 66 27.80
9750    Polygon Diagonals CODESPTH 26 29.13
9751    Repairing Roads CODESPTI 21 11.34
9753    Tuple Division TUPLEDIV 17 4.10
9755    Grey Area SCPC11A 293 61.51
9756    Alaska SCPC11B 2917 35.80
9759    GO SCPC11F 98 48.64
9760    Indomie SCPC11G 108 47.02
9761    Dolls SCPC11H 103 33.42
9788    Friends of Friends FACEFRND 7111 63.23
9805    Be Awesome As Barney Stinson BEHAPPY 1817 68.28
9817    Shortcut WPC4C 53 26.61
9820    Through the troops WPC4F 1964 44.82
9832    Matrix inverse MIFF 85 60.46
9842    Yet Another Fancy Game GAME3 236 22.91
9856    The Glazier GLASS 65 46.63
9857    Eight Directions Crossword EIGHT 134 15.11
9858    Štef and Barica WALK1 72 36.68
9860    The Glazier 2 GLASS2 38 66.67
9861    Hotels Along the Croatian Coast HOTELS 8869 41.58
9862    Help the Airline Company REMOVE 11 23.91
9887    Binomial coefficients NWERC11A 154 26.75
9888    Bird tree NWERC11B 296 65.12
9889    Movie collection NWERC11C 212 43.29
9890    Piece it together NWERC11D 94 24.01
9891    Please, go first NWERC11E 212 53.76
9892    Pool construction NWERC11F 90 57.38
9893    Smoking gun NWERC11G 40 27.98
9894    Tichu NWERC11H 78 38.41
9895    Tracking RFIDs NWERC11I 52 31.94
9896    Train delays NWERC11J 44 25.40
9916    Help Dr Whooves PONY1 54 51.28
9921    ABC Path ABCPATH 7412 21.80
9934    Alice and Bob ALICE 136 32.61
9935    Break the Chocolate BC 1638 34.53
9936    Construct the Great Wall CGW 9 41.67
9938    Disney Fastpass DISNEY 33 24.12
9939    Eliminate the Conflict EC 48 40.53
9940    Fruit Ninja FNINJA 39 26.73
9941    GRE Words GRE 104 20.53
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