list of classical problems

5649    Divide Polygon DTPOLY 31 21.43
5911    Square-free Integers Factorization SQFFACT 20 39.51
5917    Factorial length LENGFACT 3463 34.53
5970    Finding Primes FINDPRM 1329 27.88
5971    LCM Sum LCMSUM 3585 25.85
5973    Selecting Teams SELTEAM 223 22.74
6169    Standing Sequence SSEQ 118 28.49
6170    Homecoming HOMEC 27 30.28
6171    Majority MAJOR 5310 43.13
6172    OAE OAE 1154 41.29
6221    Increasing Powers of K INCPOWK 351 27.41
6230    Dictionary order GSP1 4 7.55
6256    Inversion Count INVCNT 16957 31.62
6264    Rank of a Fraction FNRANK 129 31.58
6292    Shmoogle Wave SHMOOGLE 16 31.65
6450    PP numbers MB1 877 41.73
6517    Farmer Sepp JOCHEF 327 21.90
6576    Divide and Conquer DIVCON 57 15.96
6650    Consecutive sequence SEQ6 319 44.99
6652    Skiers SKIVER1 26 47.47
6711    Transform a Sequence BLOCK 40 45.65
6819    Yet Another Assignment Problem ASSIGN5 41 11.56
6893    Power Sums PWSUM 104 57.10
6898    Substring Problem SUB_PROB 822 15.13
6906    Raining Parabolas RPAR 251 21.41
6988    Beer Machines STJEPAN 32 18.72
7010    Police Business ACAB 6 30.36
7107    G Key GK 81 45.79
7217    Training for final TRIKA 2089 45.46
7264    Digital LED Number DIGNUM 531 28.81
7286    Collect Diamonds COLDIAM 16 23.08
7335    Spheres KULE 129 9.55
7336    Mastermind MSTRMND 487 36.07
7363    Tree Sum TREESUM 149 33.90
7378    Manhattan Companies MCOMP 13 15.13
7380    Factorial challenge FUNFACT 340 31.45
7430    Tower Of Hanoi - Revisited RANJAN02 2104 51.36
7490    Biology BIO 15 7.51
7563    Hi6 HISIX 37 17.90
7586    Number of Palindromes NUMOFPAL 1297 46.07
7600    Milk Trading MLK 181 30.18
7603    Fibonacci Factor FIBFACT 26 26.94
7628    Mathematics MATHS 64 28.57
7632    Architecture ARCHI 18 22.92
7666    Telecommunications TELECOM 22 24.75
7668    Pebble Solver PEBBLE 1995 50.38
7676    Sum of Digits CPCRC1C 4781 38.52
7680    Electrical Engineering ELEC 16 34.64
7685    Flowers FLWRS 307 30.12
7692    Chemistry CHEM 69 13.87
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