list of classical problems

7185    Bye Bye Cakes BYECAKES 3656 38.60
7186    Counting Pascal COUNTPAS 125 29.24
7187    Dinosaur Menace DINOSM 179 8.71
7188    Escape from Jail ESJAIL 618 30.90
7189    Falta Envido FALTAENV 179 37.52
7190    Guess the Number GUESSTHE 2216 33.31
7191    Hexagonal Board HEXBOARD 541 62.11
7192    Integral Maximization INTEGMAX 369 38.14
7193    The Pharaoh Curse CURSE 16 25.32
7208    Black or White BORW 1438 43.45
7209    Closest Triplet CLOSEST 276 28.56
7210    Draw Mountains DRAWM 330 43.85
7211    Elastic Bands ELASTIC 45 55.72
7212    Find String Roots FINDSR 2146 34.84
7216    The Clocks CLOCKS 259 40.84
7217    Training for final TRIKA 2089 45.46
7230    Garbage Collection GARBAGE 157 39.72
7231    Homework HOMEW 222 21.54
7232    Inversion Sort INVESORT 156 17.65
7239    Cells IPCELLS 74 44.93
7240    Playground PLYGRND 203 41.92
7248    Chess part1 ROOKS 99 23.82
7249    Perfume PERFUME 109 15.68
7250    Blocks for kids PBOARD 95 44.12
7258    Lexicographical Substring Search SUBLEX 2068 21.69
7259    Light Switching LITE 4333 33.02
7260    Number Game NUMGAME 91 25.51
7264    Digital LED Number DIGNUM 531 28.81
7286    Collect Diamonds COLDIAM 16 23.08
7296    Trees Again CNTTREE 166 50.53
7297    Placing Coins on a Grid GRIDCOIN 57 33.09
7299    Multiples of 3 MULTQ3 3682 23.40
7301    Lucky Controller LCKYCONT 7 29.55
7322    Prime Pattern CHEFJUN 94 36.31
7323    Happy Days CHEFJUL 46 48.08
7333    Shuffle Music SHUFFLEN 7 27.27
7335    Spheres KULE 129 9.55
7336    Mastermind MSTRMND 487 36.07
7337    Shuffling SHUFFLE1 20 17.18
7356    Iterated Bitcount Function ITERBIT 36 17.72
7363    Tree Sum TREESUM 149 33.90
7378    Manhattan Companies MCOMP 13 15.13
7380    Factorial challenge FUNFACT 340 31.45
7386    Activities ACTIV 1421 25.50
7387    Airplane Parking PKA 53 22.88
7389    Rating Hazard PKD 21 21.10
7402    Repair Depots PC8H 14 46.34
7403    Messy Administration MESS 9 35.00
7404    Just on Time ONTIME 9 22.64
7405    Delicious Pancakes PANCAKES 731 27.05
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