list of classical problems

5115    Two "Ways" SPHIWAY 63 14.95
5117    Wine trading in Gergovia GERGOVIA 5332 33.91
5120    Minimal Possible String MINSEQ 55 5.08
5128    Bomb the Bridge BOMB 36 28.18
5161    Factorial vs Power FACVSPOW 1114 26.17
5163    Tower of Vientiane VIENTIAN 92 40.20
5182    Double Sorting PAIRSORT 12 8.92
5196    Monotonous numbers MONONUM 609 47.80
5197    Differential Diagnosis DIFFDIAG 57 23.72
5240    Area of a Garden GARDENAR 1688 47.03
5271    A Coin Game XOINC 511 30.73
5295    Adjacent Bit Counts GNYR09F 3584 65.58
5296    Air Combat COMBAT 64 14.85
5298    Interval Challenge INTERVA2 135 16.52
5300    Mexican Standoff MEXICAN 21 23.19
5301    Query Problem QUERYSTR 663 37.27
5317    Tetravex Puzzle TETRAVEX 279 46.06
5373    Four Mines MINES4 14 8.24
5446    Fishing Net FISHNET 149 31.68
5449    Seinfeld ANARC09A 9517 40.07
5450    Tiles of Tetris, Not! ANARC09B 3153 35.96
5451    Not So Flat After All ANARC09C 1116 42.57
5452    Hop Do not Walk ANARC09D 144 35.29
5453    Air Strike ANARC09F 175 23.63
5462    Art Plagiarism AP 9 22.22
5463    Bird or not bird BIRD 115 38.84
5464    Counting triangles CT 202 28.72
5465    Deliver pizza DP 404 22.82
5466    Electronic queue EQ 156 36.89
5467    Finding password FP 182 17.08
5468    Going to school GS 318 35.85
5469    Houses HOUSES2 42 26.72
5511    Heavy Sequences HSEQ 80 18.08
5522    Buy Your House PHU09H 12 35.90
5523    Highway Patrol PHU09K 16 50.00
5531    Kutevi Hard KUTH 87 42.67
5541    Sequoiadendron SEQUOIA 61 43.89
5542    Counting pairs CPAIR 129 26.33
5566    Math with Bases BSMATH2 15 11.28
5609    Knight Moves KMOVES 98 40.23
5637    LL and ErBao ISUN1 5 50.88
5638    Mobile Service Hard SERVICEH 82 22.84
5640    Fractions on Tree NG0FRCTN 918 61.77
5649    Divide Polygon DTPOLY 31 21.43
5652    Snow White and the N dwarfs PATULJCI 881 21.80
5672    Captain Selection CAPTAIN 4 38.89
5673    Fractions on Tree ( reloaded !) NG1FRCTN 244 38.22
5699    The last digit re-visited LASTDIG2 7443 31.68
5703    Primes of Lambda LPRIME 22 26.97
5725    123 Sequence KSEQ 120 23.56
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