list of classical problems

100    Tower of Babylon BABTWR 3056 50.51
101    Fishmonger FISHER 2294 38.09
102    GX Light Pipeline Inc LITEPIPE 75 30.85
104    Highways HIGH 748 19.98
105    Alice and Bob ALICEBOB 166 27.14
106    Binary Stirling Numbers BINSTIRL 2622 36.55
107    Calendar of the Maya MAYACAL 131 44.59
108    Decoding Morse Sequences MORSE 854 24.00
109    Exchanges EXCHNG 124 45.17
110    Fill the Cisterns CISTFILL 1401 31.32
112    Horizontally Visible Segments SEGVIS 155 27.70
116    Intervals INTERVAL 910 22.60
118    Rhombs RHOMBS 104 47.01
120    Solitaire SOLIT 350 23.40
122    Voracious Steve STEVE 266 29.60
123    Paying in Byteland PAYING 475 46.73
134    Phony Primes PHONY 179 19.18
137    Partition PARTIT 780 36.67
138    Election Posters POSTERS 2272 25.65
139    The Long and Narrow Maze MAZE 207 20.71
140    The Loner LONER 156 22.76
142    Johnny and the Glue GLUE 105 38.15
145    Aliens ALIENS 419 29.78
150    Where to Drink the Plonk? PLONK 495 34.83
154    Sweet and Sour Rock ROCK 3408 51.31
160    Choosing a Palindromic Sequence PALSEC 95 33.03
174    Paint templates PAINTTMP 59 41.61
175    Polygon POLY1 66 22.90
176    Sum of one-sequence SUM1SEQ 665 33.63
179    Word equations WORDEQ 181 21.74
180    How to pack containers CONTPACK 99 36.73
181    Scuba diver SCUBADIV 3790 25.93
182    Window WINDOW1 45 29.80
183    Assembler circuits ASCIRC 57 30.69
186    The lightest language LITELANG 137 24.74
187    Flat broken lines FLBRKLIN 99 41.47
188    Rectangles RECTNG1 181 12.65
196    Musketeers MUSKET 485 30.23
200    Monodigital Representations MONODIG 163 29.61
201    The Game of Polygons POLYGAME 250 39.53
203    Potholers POTHOLE 2259 26.46
205    Icerink ICERINK 8 12.94
206    Bitmap BITMAP 9406 28.01
207    Three-coloring of binary trees THREECOL 875 35.94
208    Store-keeper STORE 122 15.28
209    The Map MAP 238 40.11
211    Primitivus recurencis PRIMIT 244 26.90
235    Very Fast Multiplication VFMUL 1261 27.80
236    Converting number formats ROMAN 149 42.42
245    Square Root SQRROOT 567 12.99
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